Saturday, November 22, 2014


The legendary Lobsicle is finally here in Bethesda, and that warranted a trip to Westfield Montgomery Mall for the Grand Opening of Lobster ME yesterday. With free food being given away during the lunch hour, I found myself in a line stretching around the future Chipotle space in the new Dining Terrace.

We've probably all seen a lobster roll before, but the Lobsicle is something entirely different - a battered and fried lobster tail, with melted butter on the side for dipping purposes. How does it taste? Is it worth the hype? What is the quality of the lobster?

Watch my review, and those questions and more will be answered!


  1. Brad Longley10:06 AM

    thing was tiny! Especially for the money.

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I'm guessing that Robert won't get any free samples, until his food photography (and photoshopping) techniques improve, and he can post a picture that doesn't look like a day-old chicken nugget.

    But seriously, $14 for something that's not more than three bites? That's nearly $5 for each bite.

    I'm sure that there were a lot of folks who looked like Hank Hill did after he shook George W. Bush's hand - "surprise, and disappointment".

    Let the Deathwatch begin.

    1. It was more than 3 bites.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      well that was uneccessaey, anon. But yeah for $14 that thing is a ripoff. I tried the Cajun roll and it was very dissapointing for $17. Expensive and not great food. The people were really nice though!

  3. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Any Mall Eatery Area food should be less than 10 bucks... End of discussion...

    Shameful that Montgomery Mall thinks fools will pay this kind of excessive money. Freddy's Lobster House in Bethesda just went out of business recently. They gave you a real lobster roll for $15. This place will be out of business by end of next year...

  4. Anonymous6:07 PM

    OK, I watched my very first Dyervideo.

    1) I have trouble getting past his voice. It sounds like 90-year-old man with an accent that is a weird cross between Smith Island oyster shucker and Locust Valley Lockjaw.

    2) As many have said already, invest in a Steadicam.

    3) Next time you make a video in a crowded place like that, figure out some way to screen out all the background noise.

    4) Forget all that, just try typing your reviews. You took nearly three minutes to reveal what was essentially two paragraphs of text. YouTube is for illiterates with too much time on their hands.

  5. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Bob is getting sound mix criticism just like Nolan for Interstellar. Both were trying to put the audience in the scene. In this case, a noisy food court.

  6. Anonymous6:54 PM

    LOL, a random mob of shoppers /= "Dyer's audience".

  7. Anonymous8:19 PM

    6:07 Is full of insults tonight. Guess that's what you have to do to feel better about yourself...

  8. 6:07 You may wish to get that growth on your ear checked.

    O wait. It's a lobsicle.

  9. 4:30 I think the mall is trying to offer a range of dining options. There are still plenty of affordable fast food options. They are just adding some for the higher-income customers who will be attracted by the upscale theater. Lobster is an expensive food. Even the local lobster food truck charges a high price, so it's not like this is outrageously inflated pricing.

  10. 6:07 1) Quite honored you've put me in the same stratosphere as Jackie Kennedy, FDR, and William F. Buckley. 4) I think most people appreciate seeing the food for themselves, rather than text.

  11. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Robert, lobster really isn't my thing but based on your video I'll give it a try. Would like to see more of the local food reviews.

  12. Anonymous7:19 AM

    11:42 PM - Somehow you omitted Jim Backus from that list. Was that just an oversight? And is your claim to fame now that you sound like a person who's never lived in Maryland, let alone Bethesda, and have been dead for several decades? That won't help you much with the local Millennials.

    And you don't need a video to show what a single menu item looks like. In fact, you usually don't need more than one picture.

    1. 7:19: Not sure how that's possible. I'm a lifelong resident of Maryland, 8th generation Washingtonian, and unlikely to have an accent from elsewhere. I am a big fan of Long Island, so I wouldn't take any confusion on your part as an insult. My video seems to have touched a raw nerve. I don't get many complaints from readers who don't want a timely, video review of a hot new restaurant item.

  13. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Still photos require scrutinizing because they can be so misleading. Videos show depth, give more context and do not require critical examination. Don't believe me? Look at the photos of the latest real estate listing and then go to the open house!

  14. Anonymous8:38 AM

    " not require critical examination."


  15. Anonymous11:31 AM

    People are asking for a photo shopped photo of food? lol

    No thanks, I'll take Robert's real photos of the food.

  16. Anonymous8:08 PM

    LOL, I'll see your 8th generation and raise you two. That said, I was not challenging your residency.

    I'm just saying that you sound like a dork.

    Two words - VOICE COACH.

  17. Anonymous8:29 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Woodmont8:45 PM

    Anonymous has the same old insults. At least get some new talking points, I'm bored already with your usual ad hominem attacks.

    Maybe the Post will eventually review the lobsicle.

    1. Terry Dwyer1:47 PM

      Bobbo has the same old tired rants and raves about facts which allude to his opinions.

  19. 8:08 You sound like a failed frat house bully. Now forced to spend your days posting anonymous comments on hyperlocal news websites.

  20. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Dylan, Springsteen, Swift, Dyer. When jealous haters start the "voice coach" taunting you know you've made it!

  21. Anonymous5:43 AM


  22. Anonymous6:18 AM

    scary to think 10:21pm anonymous is in any position of responsibility

  23. Anonymous6:28 AM

    "Dylan, Springsteen, Swift, Dyer."

    It's getting so hard to tell what's parody anymore.

  24. Anonymous8:31 AM

    If only 8:08 PM anonymous had the balls to make a video and move out of the basement.

    Meanwhile, he jealously watches Robert's video and wishes he was on the screen.

  25. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Actually Dyer's voice IS local. You just don't hear that accent very often because most people are not from here, or there parents were not from here.. so they had no one to get the accent from. They're not going to pick it up in school because those kids don't have parents from here.

    I know a few others who grew up in the area as did many generations, and they have the same accent as Dyer. I don't have it (despite growing up here) because my parents were not from the area and I took on their accent.

  26. Steve D.12:29 PM

    "YouTube is for illiterates with too much time on their hands.

    6:07 PM"

    Yeah, the President sure wouldn't use it, am I right?

  27. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Anonymous should get his own blog. I don't think the rest of us care about his views about your review...again, get your own blog. Love your informative reviews,Robert! I tried the lobster roll and it was fantastic. If you have ever purchased lobster, you would know that it is not cheap.

  28. Anonymous1:40 PM

    And that guy sounds like a jerk...6:07, 7:19, 7:37, 8:08....he really should move out of his mother's basement...does she know that he is on the internet again, without permission?
