Monday, June 29, 2015

The final hours of RadioShack at Westwood Shopping Center in Bethesda (Photos)

First Bruce Variety closed forever this past weekend. Now another venerable Bethesda retailer is about to give up the ghost on Westbard Avenue.

If you're hoping to score some bargains at the closing sale of RadioShack at the Westwood Shopping Center, you'd better hurry. The sign has been saying "Last 2 Days!" for...two days. In any case, these are photos from the final hours of a store I have many fond childhood memories of.

At least the prices are finally those you could credibly call "liquidation" or "Everything must go!" Everything must go, indeed, at 90-95% off. They still had quite a bit of inventory this weekend, too. RadioShack is a mere shadow of its former self, but this was one of the top stores in Bethesda during the golden age of Tandy.


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    {Sad Trombone}

  2. Anonymous6:13 AM

    While my mom was her company's computer specialist, back in the days of punchkeys, we never got a Tandy. We bought all of our calculators, tape recorders, transistor radios from there. And remember those remote control cars? I think that was before Sharper Image.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I am sure top retailers will be eyeing this prime location.

  4. Steve D.11:38 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    I am sure top retailers will be eyeing this prime location.

    6:44 AM"

    Maybe an Apple store.
