Friday, August 07, 2015

Brightview Bethesda senior housing project to coordinate public art with Gallery Bethesda apartments

The Shelter Group's Brightview Bethesda senior living project will have a major public art piece on the Rugby Avenue facade of the building. From across Rugby Avenue, it will face the public plaza in front of the Gallery Bethesda luxury apartments at 4800 Auburn Avenue. In the sketch plan Shelter is submitting to the Montgomery County Planning Department, the applicant promises to create a synergy between its new art piece and the existing public art on the Gallery's plaza.

Brightview's art piece will be created by Maryland artist Sally Wern Comport, principal of Art at Large, Inc. The scale, colors and materials of the piece will attempt to evoke the "pedestrian and pet friendly" neighborhood of the Woodmont Triangle, the submission says. They hope that the artwork will, along with the Gallery's outdoor plaza pieces, create the impression of a large, outdoor art gallery. Durable materials will be used for the Brightview artwork, as the developer plans it to be a enduring landmark in the neighborhood.

The development will be located at 4907 Rugby Avenue. Shelter is hoping for a 2016 groundbreaking, and a 2017 or 2018 delivery.


  1. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Nice to see developers planning together for a better overall Bethesda.

    Now if only we could reduce the number of loading docks and garage entrances that kill blocks.

    Or walls put up in the middle of sidewalks Lenny

  2. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Hopefully the senior housing won't need a large parking garage.

    1. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Hm that's an interesting question. Does someone with insight have any input they can help educate us? I imagine while the residents may not have as many cars, the caretakers and staff would need parking, as well as visitors and transportation vehicles. Maybe a larger loading area. Interesting to think about the different usability needs of different demographics.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I imagine some residents will have cars. This isn't a nursing home, so these folks will be up and about.

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Does this mean that they will be required to build shuffleboard courts in Battery Lane Park?

  5. Anonymous6:57 AM

    6:48AM Planners want to build a road through the park, so probably no shuffleboard.

  6. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Well, strictly speaking the proposed road is on the edge of the park, not through the middle, but it would take a bit of land and mature trees.

  7. Anonymous10:07 AM

    It also proposed extending the park further, so if any of it happens, and that's a big if, there is a net push in park space.

  8. Anonymous11:36 AM

    They could put an ambulance loading bay up front, and reinforced bollards in front of the building's lobby to prevent drivers from driving through the storefront.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      That's pretty funny. Especially given recent events. :)

  9. Anonymous1:56 PM

    How about just combining this facility with the replacement for the BCC Rescue Squad? Just install an express elevator and that would eliminate the "pick-up" part of the trips to the ER.

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      That's pretty funny/genius. But connected to a hospital would be even better!

  10. Anonymous1:58 PM

    And they wouldn't need to have the ambulance idling loudly outside the building, with its lights flashing, and scaring the still-living people half to death.

  11. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I guess they chose the name "Brightview" over "Peaceful Sunset".
