Sunday, March 06, 2016

Bethesda construction update: Tara Thai (Photos)

Last week, I showed you the outdoor facade and patio of the future Tara Thai under construction at Westfield Montgomery Mall. Today, here's a look at the interior dining room build-out. You can see a few final interior design touches, such as the stone surface along the front of the bar.


  1. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Seems like a lot more places have closed at Montgomery Mall, in a much shorter time period, than "Hans Riemer's 9 closed Bethesda bars".

    1. 8:52: Wrong. Plenty of businesses have closed at the urban town centers in the County. Retail turnover is a separate issue from the nighttime economy.

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    "Retail turnover is a separate issue from the nighttime economy."

    Please explain the distinction. Most people would find it arbitrary.

    1. 10:39: Uh...maybe because Smart Toys and alpaca clothing have nothing to do with bars and nightlife? Grasping at straws again.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      @ 5:19 PM - why doesn't "retail turnover" apply to bars that close and then reopen under a new name?

    3. 5:30: Very simple - bars are not retail.

  3. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Retail turnover is not really addressed in the county's plan, only in the needs further evaluation section, and then only barely.

    Hope this link is ok to post.

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    So when Tapp'd opens up where Union Jack's used to be, will Dyer do a ceremonial rolling back from "9", to "8" bars closed under Riemer?

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      @ 5:20 PM - why not?

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      5:25, don't bother. Robert has already proven his logic is skewed and biased. That's the only fact he has provided that has supporting evidence.

  5. Anonymous6:01 PM

    What's the count of bars/nightspots that have opened? Or does Dyer just focus on things that help is "moribund" propaganda?

    1. 6:01: Not only have at least 9 nightspots closed under Hans Riemer, but there are less nightspots today than there were before his nighttime economy initiative. It's not very productive to just keep denying the facts.

    2. Anonymous6:55 AM

      Let's see that list of 9, Dyer.

  6. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Leave Robert alone. The real concern here is that all restaurants in this area stink. Period. My wife and I racked our brains the other day on where to go and finally went all the way to the Del Rey section of Alexandria. There ain't nothing around here close to where we ate, Cheesetique. Look it up. Been there many times and it's incredible. Tara Thai had it's time and was ok at the start. But it's been there and done that. Not nearly interesting enough and will close. Trust that.

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      So you're saying you drove all the way from Bethesda to Alexandria because there weren't any good options in Bethesda? So in a driving area like Westbard then more options would be great and contribute to fewer cars on the road? Less emissions? Less traffic? Etc.?

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Better restaurants period. That would be nice. Why do so many close? Cause they aren't good enough.

  7. Anonymous8:23 AM

    "Not only have at least 9 nightspots closed under Hans Riemer"

    Wow. Looks like he's pivoted from unfounded opinions to utter falsehoods. What "9 nightspots" closed?

    Do you realize that 10 times that number closed in DC, and about 3 or 4 times as many in Arlington and Alexandria?

  8. Anonymous10:36 AM

    8:23 - We just listed the night spots in a different post. Bars and restaurants. Keep up.

    We drive to VA to eat all the time. Would love it if downtown Bethesda could get places like those. But those places could never afford Bethesda anymore.

    5:30 - Retail does not include restaurants and bars; they're a separate category.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      It's not the rent here it's gotta be something else. Rent in NOVA is as much or more in some areas.

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      @ 10:36 AM - perhaps you could explain why the principle of "turnover" magically does not apply to night spots?

  9. Anonymous2:37 PM

    11:14 - I'm not William, sorry. I did not list the places, others did. You can find the comments yourself over the past week.

    1:20 - where did I mention anything about the principles of turnover?
    I do see that earlier someone mentioned "retail turnover," which would not apply to nightspots since they are not retail.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      2:37 PM - keep spinning, distorting and outright lying. That's what it takes to be a pathetic shill for Dyer.

  10. Anonymous5:13 PM

    3:15pm sounds nasty. Probably one of the Friends of White Flint or affiliated negative folks.

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      @ 5:13 PM sounds like a whiny little crybaby. Definitely fits the profile of a Dyer fanboy.

  11. If somebody is so disengaged from what's going on in Bethesda that they don't know which bars have closed in recent years, how can they argue against what I'm saying? You expect us to believe you truly don't know what's going on, but you are super-passionate about defending a failed councilmember in the same jurisdiction you claim you don't know anything about? Come on.

  12. Anonymous7:01 AM

    3:15 - please explain how I am outright lying? Why are you attacking me on a blog? How dare you call me a pathetic shill. You are the one accusing me when you have zero idea who I am. All I posted was TRUTH.
    Name the time and place. You want a showdown, I'm in.
    ---2:37PM + 10:36AM + 11:46AM : All me

  13. G. Money10:09 AM

    Internet fight!
