Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Bethesda massage parlor vacates (Photos)

There hasn't been much sign of life at Bethesda Wellness Spa since a "Do Not Occupy" sign was slapped on the door in 2014. Now the space at 4715 Cordell Avenue has been cleared out, and the signage removed.

This was not the only massage parlor downtown to get a visit from the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services, after a new certification process designed to combat human trafficking went into effect a few years ago. Even some legitimate massage businesses have had to temporarily close until the certifications could be completed and/or verified for each masseuse on staff.


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    This building has been having trouble with its tenants! First Urban Loft left both spots, the massage place was shut down once before and now are gone, the photographer had left because of some plumbing problem and then came back and now are gone.

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    The tenant was not shut down for any illegal activity, the over zealous officer who has since retired went on a binge shutting these places down over minor things. The owner lost the staff and was working along for the past year or so and could you blame them for leaving when the upstairs tenets are hanging out in front drinking from paper bags all day in between runs to the beer store to buy more beer and lottery tickets?

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Not sure anyone ever accused them of such.

  3. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I know two unrelated guys who got "happy endings" at that massage parlor.

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    8:15 Was Dyer one of them?

  5. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Well, as long as they were unrelated. If they were brothers I would have been concerned.

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    a lot more went on there too I was one of her best clients.

  7. Anonymous12:54 PM

    @7:26 AM - I agree my wife and I have seen more than once some very out of place individuals entering that building at different times over the years. After searching the internet for hours I finally figured it out. There is small homeless shelter in there for people with severe mental impairments, HIV/Aids, or developmental issues.

