Saturday, April 30, 2016

Signage installed at Tapp'd Bethesda (Photos)

Yesterday, I gave you a sneak peek of the beer list, menu and interior of the new Tapp'd Bethesda. Later in the day, the craft beer pub and restaurant installed its signage. Expect an opening in the coming days.


  1. Anonymous9:51 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 2:03: [Expletive] you. I reported this days ago, with the beer list and menu. This is just a rehash of my work. If the owners wanted to play favorites, even after getting a ton of free press to my large readership, if they didn't want coverage of the opening, that's up to them. It's their call.

      But for you to try to take credit for my story from the day before, and then post a spam link to your microwave "news" like a 7 year old child, is absolutely pathetic.

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    A new 40-tap bar in Bethesda serving beer from a brewery in Silver Spring. Hans is killin it these days.

    1. 2:42: No, he's not. There's nothing that couldn't have been done in the past, and they are still being forced to operate under the archaic Montgomery County liquor rules that Hans Riemer supports and failed to change. He supports the monopoly.

      It's embarrassing that you try to give a failed, liquor monopoly-supporting councilmember credit for the hard work and investment of the owners of Tapp'd.

  4. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Hull is sounding particularly butthurt recently #smallfish

  5. Anonymous5:09 PM

    How come Dyer hasn't had any coverage of the primaries? Congratulations to our incoming Senator Chris Van Hollen and our incoming Congressman Jamie Raskin. The MoCo Machine controls all!

    1. 5:09: I did have coverage, but unlike you, I wasn't biased towards particular candidates. Just had a great story last week about the biggest Bethesda endorsement in the 8th, not just press release cpverage of Trone and Van Hollen. Unlike other local outlets, I actually reported on the Edwards campaign. Your salute to the Montgomery County political cartel in your comment speaks for itself. The Montgomery County Council's record of opposing every black candidate for Senate since 2006 speaks for itself as well.

    2. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Good one Robert!
      I'm with you on that.

  6. Anonymous6:43 PM

    "If the owners wanted to play favorites, even after getting a ton of free press to my large readership, if they didn't want coverage of the opening, that's up to them. It's their call."

    No free food or drinks for Dyer. LOL

    1. 6:43: How was the free food at Kapnos? Barrel & Crow? Etc. Do tell!

  7. Anonymous6:50 PM

    "[Expletive] you", he explained.

  8. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Dyer: "No, he's not. There's nothing that couldn't have been done in the past"

    Actually, no, one of the legal changes that came out of the Nighttime Task Force or whatever it was called was the ability for in-county breweries to sell directly to consumers and other restaurants/bars. Denizen literally wouldn't exist but for legal changes pushed for by the county vis-a-vis the state legislature - and they've stated that themselves.

    1. 9:27: And if that change had not been made, tell me just how exactly Tapp'd would have been prevented from opening and offering the same number of beers minus Denizens?

      That change is NOT responsible for the existence of Tapp'd Bethesda. Stop lying.

  9. Anonymous9:50 PM

    That's funny... I see nothing in the comment @ 9:2 PM that says anything about Tapp'd, only about Denizen.

  10. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Dyer is never biased in his reporting!!!!

  11. Anonymous7:05 AM

    This place opened last night, but peeking in the windows didn't give Dyer the scoop on a soft opening. Give him a break though he's just a blogger.

    1. 7:05: I was the first to report it was opening, that's where you got the "scoop" in the first place. "Let me in, or it'll cost you Best of Bethesda!" isn't something we've ever heard Bob Woodward say, that's for sure.

  12. Anonymous10:02 AM


  13. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Reporting two days after Dyer is no scoop. Try again :)

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    5:55 dyer isn't biased at all ever!

  15. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Dyer curses at and insults readers (whether deserved or not), insists on a conspiracy theory of the media to suppress coverage in him as the reason he lost to the winning council members, always points out he was first, always says others are lying, insists all those who oppose his views are rally only one person that works for or is a competing news site author or editor and works for the county and works for the developers and is one single troll.... And he calls that one single troll a 7 year old child. Rich.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Not to mention deletes comments at his personal whim (his right) under the pretense of violating a comment policy (inconsistently).

    2. Anonymous7:03 PM

      You can always start your own Bethesda news site. Many have tried and failed...even with big investor$!

  16. Anonymous7:34 PM

    How come no one invests in Dyer?

  17. Anonymous7:51 PM

    In less than 48 hours, the Montgomery County Council will vote to turn the commercial slum known as Westbard into a wonderful place to live, shop and dine. Can't wait.

    1. 7:51: If so, they'd be voting to abandon smart growth and transit-oriented development in Montgomery County, be approving massive development on the banks of an endangered stream, urbanizing the suburbs, destroying schools in the Whitman cluster, evicting popular small businesses, removing convenient services like auto repairs, and essentially sealing the end of their political careers either by term limits or the 2018 election.

      Sounds like a pretty dumb move to me.

    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      What's wrong with "urbanizing the suburbs"? Every big city was built on less densely developed land, on farmland, or open land.

  18. Anonymous8:09 PM

    7:34 PM I doubt the Barbara Sears crowed will be cutting Dyer a check anytime soon.

  19. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Dyer still hasn't reported that this place has opened.

  20. Anonymous5:38 AM

    8:57 By that logic, let's just develop every piece of land in the county. One big urban district.

  21. 5:02: I was the first to report it was opening, knucklehead.

  22. 8:57: The year is 2016 and these are well-established, fully-developed suburban neighborhoods nowhere near a Metro station.

  23. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Dyer you have the comebacks of a 14 year old girl

  24. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Dyer saying "its opening in the coming days" is not the same as reporting that it has opened, will open on, or did open on Saturday. I think Quincy's will open in the coming days, please quote me as your source for first reporting Quincy's opening by using your logic.
