Sunday, May 15, 2016

Lots to like at Safeway in Bethesda (Photos)

Have you seen these Facebook-style "Like" contraptions at Safeway? If you like the product mentioned, you press a Like button, and it keeps track of how many customers liked it.

Do I like Hot Pockets? Yes, but not the fact that Bethesda grocery stores don't have all of the limited-edition flavors that are available elsewhere in the country!


  1. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Know what you mean. Wasn't until Tuesday that I could find the new peanut M&M flavors to vote on. Ads have been running for a couple months.
    Coffee-Nut is my favorite.

  2. Anonymous6:03 PM

    So what's the point of measuring "likes" rather than actual purchases? This seems about as useful as those thermostats in office buildings or beg-buttons at crosswalks, that make you feel like you're in control of something, when you actually are not.

  3. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Diarrhea pockets! You see that sketch bit? Was it Gaffigan?

  4. There are just playing the numbers on what snooty people purchase. They know the shelf space for every variety of Hot Pockets would be wasted in Bethesda.

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    What an inaccurate POS this will turn out to be. Every sugared-up, hyper, crotch fruit whose running rampant thru the store while mommy dearest pretends it's a playground, will be pressing all the buttons, like it's a video game. Some marketing tool. Bet you pressed it over and over Dyer, trying to get off.

  6. Anonymous7:57 AM

    7:11 is blatantly begging for Dyer's attention.

  7. Anonymous8:00 AM

    7:57 (Anonymous Dyer)

    He sure is getting yours since you respond to him each and every single time. Why do you think he keeps posting?

  8. @ 8:00am

    Why continue to read this blog if you don't like it? Troll.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      To help stop the spread of Dyer's nonsense.

  9. Anonymous3:09 PM

    12:39 Fanboy. All Dyer all the time.
