Thursday, May 19, 2016

Miller & Long moving in downtown Bethesda

Miller & Long's tower cranes are a common sight in post-recession downtown Bethesda. One of the latest projects is hitting close to home for the construction firm - the site of its headquarters at 4824 Rugby Avenue.

The HQ is moving south in Bethesda, down to the recently-renovated 7101 Wisconsin Avenue office building. Their current offices on the future site of The Rugby apartment tower will soon be demolished to make way for that twin tower to the Gallery Bethesda apartments. Coincidentally, The Rugby's developer - The Donohoe Companies - recently moved offices into 7101 Wisconsin as well.


  1. Anonymous7:01 AM

    So I guess since they are not a Fortune 500, this doesn't qualify as any benefit to the "moribund" economy?

  2. Anonymous7:04 AM

    M O R I B U N D

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    I was really shocked to see Dyer say "post-recession" instead of "moribund".

  4. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Talk about "breaking news"

  5. Anonymous8:02 AM

    7:10, for heaven's sake, he's not like News4 where EVERYTHING is breaking news.

    Except for the serious "We're poisoning ourselves with this food we eat everyday...details tomorrow at 11."

  6. Anonymous8:30 AM


  7. Anonymous8:32 AM

    This really isn't "breaking news." Donohoe and Miller & Long signed leases at 7101 at the same time.

    I commented on this months ago on one of Dyer's articles where he mentioned the fictional "moribund economy."

  8. Anonymous8:36 AM

    January 28 2016 @ '9:13pm':

    "Both Donohoe Companies and Miller & Long are relocating their headquarters to the recently renovated 7101 Wisconsin Ave office building. Donohoe is leasing 45,000 SF and Miller & Long is leasing 36,000 SF."

  9. Anonymous8:50 AM

    If Dyer had been up and around yesterday, he could have taken a nice photo of a construction crane lifting stuff off the roof, apparently the first phase of the demolition.

    On the other hand, maybe it's better this way. He probably would have posted 40 pictures of that damned crane.

  10. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The Donohoe lease is a big gain for MoCo. Stealing from DC. Because as dyer said if you're not winning you're a loser.

  11. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Robert hates that community store, he was posting about it elsewhere, that it should be demolished for better use

  12. Anonymous9:46 AM

    You're slipping Dyer the Beat has a lot more happenings today than you do.

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      9:46 is complimenting Dyer! Dyer must be amazing... you're comparing his output with a company with millions in revenue and large staff! I'd certainly hope they can squeeze out more content than one guy...

    2. 9:46: Is that what you call filler and clickbait over there - "happenings"?

  13. Anonymous10:25 AM

    9:54, it's not their fault. They get blinded by their own gloss.

    What did someone call the mag?
    Kneepads? Hahaha

  14. Anonymous11:23 AM

    What rent are they paying? NNN? Gross? Pls give us more details.

  15. Anonymous11:23 AM

    The construction will provide great noise to cover Poppy's moaning when we bang!

  16. Anonymous12:12 PM

    10:25 Yes and also cat litter box liner.

  17. Anonymous12:19 PM

    @1123 ya rite- that would require the birdbrain to have a clue what he is talking about.

  18. Anonymous3:47 PM


    Says the guy who posts 50 pictures of the same thing for a single article.

  19. Anonymous6:32 AM

    The 50 are all on one page. No excess clicking.
    What do you have against pictures?

  20. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Filler as in two articles about a freaking unfurled flag?

  21. Anonymous7:45 AM

    2 articles? Oh the outrage.
    Torn flag. Torn.

    You're okay with the county essentially raking you over the coals and giving you the shaft. But 2 articles about our American Flag, now that's outrageous? What are you, a caveman?

  22. Anonymous10:10 AM

    6:37 AM If the flag article isn't of interest, just scroll by it. Internet works amazing that way!

  23. Anonymous10:19 AM

    @7:45 - Straw man much? I'm simply stating that although Robert asserts that another magazine is full of clickbait and filler, two whole articles about a torn flag aren't of much substance either.

  24. Anonymous8:12 AM

    10:19- We understand your opinion just fine.
    You consider posts about torn American Flags to be filler and lacking substance.

    You're likening the torn flag posts to gloss magazine ads. Again, your opinion.

  25. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Re @ 8:12 AM -

    1) Royal "We".

    2) Wraps himself in the American flag.

    3) "Glossy!"

    4) Dyer forgot to sign in, again.

    5) LOL

  26. Anonymous12:49 PM

    re @ 9:59AM
    1) We = my group of friends who post here. You know what friends are,right?
    2) The freakin post is about the flag. And yes, I am an American who loves the flag. No apologies.
    3) Glossy! Mistake! Sorry, I missed the "y"
    4) Nope. Give it up. No matter how many times you say it won't make it true.
    5) Lots of Love, for me? No? I know, you mean for your obsession, Mr. Dyer.
