Tuesday, May 17, 2016

One-room schoolhouse to take over old Bruce Variety building in Bethesda

The Mysa School, a modern re-imagining of the one-room schoolhouse, is the new tenant at the former home of Bruce Variety at 8011 Woodmont Avenue in downtown Bethesda. Opening this fall, the school will be enrolling boys and girls in Grades 6-9. As it grows, it will eventually go up to Grade 12 - a full high school education.

Mysa calls its new model of the famed American one-room schoolhouse a "micro school." In a hybrid approach, Mysa will combine hands-on, group project work directed at solving the problems of today's world with a customized learning platform tailored to each student, who will select from a menu of options. The result the curriculum is designed to produce is one that draws from around the internet and the world, while helping students develop strong interpersonal relationships with their classmates. A "globally-connected one-room schoolhouse," in their words.

The school won't offer cafeteria meals, but will order in from downtown Bethesda restaurants several times a week. Sure beats cafeteria food.

You can find out more about the Mysa School, and if it is right for your child, by attending an information session at Pizzeria Da Marco (right across the street from the school) on June 12, 2016, from 5:00-7:00 PM. Or visit their website. I have to say, this sounds like a fascinating concept for those seeking an alternative to public or traditional private schools.


  1. Oh my, 'globally-connected one-room schoolhouse' sounds so chic and progressive.

    My husband and I are done with our family, but I would implore other progressives to investigate this wonderful concept for a year or two, before sending their young ones on to Landon or Holton-Arms.

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Sounds way too hippy-like. There's a reason no one learns in 1-room schoolhouses anymore -- they are archaic, ineffective, and inefficient.

  3. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Poppy is a fake. Comes here to insult us. One of Dyer's trolls making fun of the regular Dyer readers.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      And it's hilarious to boot!

  4. Anonymous7:04 AM

    We don't have capacity for all these new students on this block and the before school traffic. The horror!

  5. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Thanks for this "breaking" news! I couldn't have made it through the morning without knowing this! NOT! Birdbrain. Sounds like a place you and your fellow Communists would attend.

  6. 7:23: This is indeed breaking news, and a pretty interesting story. At least for people whose intellectual pursuits extend beyond hiding behind a computer screen like a 10 year old and calling people "birdbrain."

  7. Anonymous7:27 AM

    You tell em Bobby!!!

  8. Anonymous7:28 AM

    DY WHAT?! DYER!!!
    DY WHAT?! DYER!!!
    DY WHAT?! DYER!!!

  9. Anonymous7:45 AM

    A return of one room schoolhouses? A very interesting story actually.

  10. Anonymous7:51 AM

    So no Hooters?

  11. Anonymous8:14 AM


    Who is teaching here, Jar-Jar Binks?

    @ 6:57 AM - Stalk much?

  12. Anonymous8:31 AM

    8:14 - Don't be silly. You can't stalk a fictional character. Not a fan of your alter-ego.

  13. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Poppy is Dyer's wet dream of what a milf from the 1% would act like

  14. Anonymous9:02 AM

    @6:57 is a no-fun douche bag

  15. Anonymous9:46 AM

    @9:34 - Unic

  16. Anonymous9:47 AM

    8:49am LOL!

  17. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Look at the fuss you have created Robert! Job well done!

  18. Anonymous11:43 AM

    @9:46 I’m sorry I hurt your feelings when I called you a sociopath. I thought you already knew.
    Love, 9:34

  19. Anonymous11:50 AM

    LOL as if Dyer could afford this place!

  20. Anonymous1:56 PM

    The children will learn a lot about having their school next to a construction site.

  21. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Hey Poppy! It's been since April since you've updated your blog, nothing new and progressive going on in Bethesda lately?

  22. @2:15 You're right! Up until this week I had no good excuse for not posting! I had a great idea for a post on Monday and found that I can't log in! This should all be resolved tomorrow when our IT guy stops by the house. We share him with 10 other households, and he set the website up for me in the first place! Then,I promise to get back to posting!

  23. Anonymous7:07 PM

    "our IT guy"

    You have got to be kidding me

  24. Anonymous7:32 PM

    Too bad Dyer doesn't have an IT guy. Then his site wouldn't be so crappy. And he might be able to control who comes here. LOL

    1. 7:32: Actually, my site has always had a slick mobile version, unlike the Arlington-based one that went out of business. You sound like a nutjob.

  25. Anonymous4:54 AM

    @7:07 All those Poppy people over in Somerset have an 'IT Guy' to set up their home networks, install updates on their tablets and smart thermostats and of course their personal email servers. Remember, if HIllary has it, these people do too.

  26. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Oh my god. They've out-Bethesdad Bethesda.

  27. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Quick!! Lock the door while they're all at Poppy's blog! !

  28. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @ 5:46 AM I could not have said it any better.

  29. Ok I am happy to report that the IT guy has fixed the issue with my website! I can post again!

  30. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Wonderful news! Allons, Bethesdiens!

  31. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It isn't actually one room, I have been inside. It has one large room in the middle and multiple classrooms branching off of it. It's actually a great way to learn!
