Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Westbard redevelopment public meeting set for June 1 in Bethesda

Westbard meeting? Didn't we just get finished doing this? No, this is now the official sketch plan application from Equity One for its 22 acres of property along Westbard Avenue and Ridgefield Road in Bethesda.

A community meeting has just been scheduled for Wednesday, June 1, at 7:00 PM at The Ballroom at 5521 Landy Lane in Bethesda (off River Road). The meeting is to discuss "approximately 1,800,000 SF of new and existing mixed-use development."

If you attended the first meeting held at that venue when this whole process got started, you'll recall there was horn honking, cursing and general road rage/discontent with the severe lack of convenient parking at that venue. I witnessed a number of people simply give up and go home. Why it would be used again for a meeting sure to draw a big crowd is beyond me.

In case you missed it:

Giant to anchor Equity One's New Westwood development at Westbard


  1. Anonymous5:08 AM

    "If you attended the first meeting held at that venue when this whole process got started, you'll recall there was horn honking, cursing and general road rage..."

    Westbard residents sure seem to hate one another. Really looking forward to the new residents - I'm sure that they will be much nicer than the current crop.

  2. This is something that I do worry about in the future Westbard. How will these angry, road raging horn honking current residents behave when wonderful, salt-of-the-earth low income folks move into the new development? It doesn't sound like some of the current Westbard residents are very progressive and I am concerned that they will focus their anger towards their new neighbors. We need to make sure the new low income residents of Westbard will be protected from violence and aggression.

  3. Anonymous6:26 AM

    all of the comments above are really stupid.

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Poppy is a fake. Comes here to insult us. One of Dyer's trolls making fun of the regular Dyer readers. More sarcasm than satire.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      It's hilarious! Love it. More please!

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Sounds like Mad Max.

  6. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Who ever runs this blog should fire Dyer and hire Poppy.

  7. Anonymous8:38 AM

    6:58 Would you PLEASE stop whining about POPPY. We get it that you don't like her, because she brings out the guilt inside you, probably because because you belong to the class of people she's mocking. But others find her entertaining.

  8. Anonymous8:47 AM

    "It doesn't sound like some of the current Westbard residents are very progressive "

    Well yeah, that was pretty obvious based on the blatant age, income, and racial prejudice put on public display by many of the rioters.

    They're message was basically:

    "I'd rather live in a dumpy industrial part of town with the crappiest retail in Montgomery County, just so we can remain 80.5% non-hispanic white and 42.1% 50 years old and older (Census 2010)."

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Not true. The issue has never been redevelopment, which was always desired. The issue was excessive building heights and densities adjacent to single-family neighborhoods.

    2. 8:47: Why no mention of the County Council's "age, income (six figures), and racial prejudice (opposing every black U.S. Senate candidate from Maryland since at least 2006, black kids in MCPS more likely to be suspended than kids in Texas, etc?

  9. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Nope. Will continue to point it out.

  10. Anonymous9:04 AM

    8:38AM - Not everyone who sends their kids to private schools, has a nanny who runs errands, and drives an environmentally conscious car acts or thinks anything like portrayed with the Poppy character.

    I'm offended that you think we/they do.

    Maybe it's your guilt that has you creating Poppy.

  11. Anonymous9:24 AM

    LOL that Poppy imagines the Joad family rolling into the new low income housing in their Okie jalopy while the current Westbard residents stare angrily at them through their monocles, dressed like Mr Potter.

  12. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Poppy is a yawn and a waste of space.

  13. Anonymous9:44 AM

    @ 8:55 PM - Looks like you've finally found a purpose in life. Congratulations. LOL

  14. Anonymous9:50 AM

    "Nope. Will continue to point it out."

    Pathetic. What a sad person you must be.

  15. Anonymous11:01 AM


    Last I checked you were supposed to vote based on a candidate's experience and values not race. Really surprised to see you feel differently.

  16. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Robert are you going to run again in 2018?

  17. Anonymous12:33 PM

    @9:50 It's no sadder than you calling Dyer out on everything. If someone wants to call out Poppy, what business is it of yours?

  18. Anonymous3:13 PM

    "black kids in MCPS more likely to be suspended than kids in Texas"

    Wrong again, Dyer. Please stop lying to people who actually know how to read statistics and fractions.

    1. 3:13: Sorry, punk, I broke the story on that, and the stats are taken from the studies in MoCo and Texas. Black kids are indeed more likely to be suspended in MoCo than in Texas.

  19. Anonymous5:09 AM

    my fingers smell like cheese

  20. Anonymous8:23 AM

    5:09 Try lemon juice. Or soak your hands in vinegar once a day.
