Thursday, June 09, 2016

Woodmont Ave. lane reopens as construction of The Lauren winds down in Bethesda (Photos)

I've been keeping you updated on the final phase of construction inside and outside of The Lauren, but here's another sign the end is near. Drivers can now reclaim the right lane on southbound Woodmont Avenue, between The Chase condominiums and Hampden Lane. It appears fresh asphalt and paint were applied to the lane, which has been occupied by construction equipment for the last 18 months or so.

Related: See The Lauren light up at night for the first time


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Such an ugly building for ultra luxury prices. I guess it's still better than the woodmont triangle Greenhill Karr buildings.

  2. Anonymous5:59 AM

    They've totally screwed up the bike lane through there, though. It looks like they are going to put it to the right side of that "right turn only" lane.

  3. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Robert when do you plan to move in? Oh wait: NEVER


  4. There's some guy lying about the lane reopening because he slept through it. Just ignore the moron. His IQ is less than his belt size.

    1. Anonymous2:23 AM

      Now this is the kind of council member I could get behind. One who insults his constituents if they have differing opinions as him. Fantastic council member qualities.

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    I still like the building. Can't help it. It has personality.

    1. Anonymous2:24 AM

      I guess the homeless person on the corner has personality too. The Lauren is still moribund in its design.

  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Robert what is your IQ and belt size?

  7. Anonymous7:37 PM

    IQ is not much good unless you actually do something with it.

    Is Dyer a member of Densa?

  8. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Fanboys and their never-ending personal questions. So Silly.

  9. 2:23: A troll posting nasty comments is not a "constituent." George Leventhal, on the other hand, berates and shouts at female County employees. Do you support him, too?

    1. Anonymous4:51 AM

      Someone who disagrees with your opinion does not count as a constituent? Ladies and gentleman, this is Robert Dyer, a man having run for council member multiple times. He does not consider everyone a constituent.

    2. Anonymous4:51 AM

      Apparently not all lives matter to Robert Dyer.

  10. 4:51: Plenty of people disagree without issue. They don't post nasty insults, and they aren't a paid hack being paid to troll my blog. Paid hacks from competitors and the MoCo political cartel are definitely not "constituents."

    Black lives don't matter to you or the Council, because we found out that African-American students are 3x as likely to be suspended by MCPS as white students, the achievement gap has been growing since 2010 according to the OLO report, the Council has opposed every black candidate for U.S. Senate from Maryland since 2006, and another report showed that only 39.7% of black MoCo high school graduates are employed. Only 8.7% of black high school students in MoCo are currently able to find jobs, and they are 3x more likely to drop out of MCPS as white or Asian students.

    To quote the report, Montgomery County "black and African-American youth are three times as likely as their peers to be disconnected." Then there was the very serious charge by several councilmembers that County police were racially profiling, a charge which the Council never took any action on - so they smeared the men and women of our police force for their personal political gain? Sick.
