Friday, September 02, 2016

Bethesda Row Giant expands, updates self checkout (Photos)

Giant has expanded the self-checkout area at their Bethesda Row store at 7142 Arlington Road.

The credit card terminals now also have chip readers, to accept newer credit cards that have security chips attached. I still need to do a test of the self-checkout at the new Harris Teeter, to see how their machines compare to Giant and CVS.


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    You're reacting like George H.W. Bush the first time he stepped foot in a grocery store. Is this a condition of all conservatives when they discover technology new to them? BTW, the store has not "expanded", the footprint and square footage of occupiable space are still the same.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    I'm not sure where 7:09 AM shops. The self checkout area has expanded at Bethesda Row. It's a whole separate section now in the front of the store with dedicated staff.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Remember when Dyer claimed that the frequent malfunctions of the self-checkout system which required intervention of store staff were actually a "security feature"? LOL

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    7:20 AM The machines call that an "audit" where staff can check what you've scanned. It is a security feature.

  5. Anonymous7:35 AM


  6. Anonymous7:39 AM

    7:09 AM It's not just old conservative politicians that are challenged with technology.

    If you read Hillary's emails that were released, she literally didn't know how to operate a remote control for her TV. Had to ask aides how to watch a TV show.

    Plenty of anger on both sides.

  7. Anonymous7:46 AM

    So every time that the machine freezes up when I tell it I have no coupons, that's an "audit"?

  8. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Yeah, free bags.

  9. Anonymous8:09 AM

    7:46 AM There are technical problems and there are audits.

  10. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Can't tell if #SponsoredContent or Dyer's too poor to shop at the new Harris Teeter

  11. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Harris Teeter's self-checkout machines don't have the persistent glitches, oh, I meant "security audits" that the ones at Giant have.

    I will give Giant credit for getting rid of those conveyer belts. Items used to get stuck there regularly, triggering "security audits".

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      There are audits and there are malfunctions. If you haven't been audited, then you must not regularly use self checkout at Giant.

  12. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Giant's interface is about the best out there. Safeway's (also used by a few other retailers, like Home Depot) is garbage. For example, press the No Bags button and instead of it immediately going to the next screen to process (while disabling buttons in doing so), it just sits there with no user feedback. Want to play a song? Just press No Bags constantly.. It'll keep accepting input for about 5-10 seconds while it's processing in the background. Real junk.

    CVS's is OK, but the interface link between the main screen and the credit card terminal is unclear since both places give you the option to select payment type, and that's confusing which one you should press.

    (Yes, I am a software designer.)

  13. Anonymous1:28 PM

    George Leventhal is going to punch that woman who recorded the "HELP IS ON THE WAY" message. And he will be reelected in a landslide.

  14. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The new Harris Teeter is nicer than this Giant.
