Saturday, September 03, 2016

FAA flight path meeting location changed in Bethesda

To anyone planning to attend the public meeting on the proposed Federal Aviation Administration NextGen flight path change closer to the Bethesda side of the Potomac River, please note the location of the meeting on September 15 has changed to the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center in downtown Bethesda. It will still begin at 6:30 PM.

For the full details about the meeting, see my original post, which has been updated.

How convenient that the venue is being moved to a very inconvenient location, much further away from the residents most impacted by the jet noise. That should cut the number of attendees right off the bat. You'll also now have to pay for parking to attend the "free" meeting. Despicable action by the FAA, who are clearly trying to maximize public participation in this process (yeah, right).

Ever heard of Wood Acres ES or Washington Waldorf School or St. Dunstan's Church, etc., etc.?


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    It's back to school night at Westland and it's not easy to rent out another school building with a week's notice. But keep talking out of your ass you know-nothing keyboard tough guy.

    1. 2:22: Do you want to put in a positive word for Barwood Cab, WMATA, the cable company, and the County liquor monopoly while you're at it? Actual residents who will be forced to drive downtown and pay $3 to participate in this "free" public meeting are laughing at you right now - and would probably like to punch you in the face. An "anonymous" clown talking about a "keyboard tough guy"'re a laugh riot. Did they call the churches, Glen Echo town hall, Clara Barton center - many, many venues in that area affected most by the proposed change.

  2. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Driving from the neighborhoods along the river, to the BCC Services Center, is somehow a hardship?

    I hope Ken Hartman beats you up when he sees you there.

  3. Anonymous5:51 PM

    There is a keyboard cowboy that talks tough about Robert Dyer anonymously here, but admits he silently stalks Dyer at public meetings. Weird.

  4. Anonymous5:40 AM

    A 10-minute drive instead a 5-minute drive? Excuse me while I clutch my pearls and head for the fainting couch.

  5. 5:40: Not just that, but taking it out of the affected neighborhood, and charging people $3 parking fee to participate. Only a villain could defend it.

  6. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Dyer, you come up with the lamest and most desperate pretexts for your outrage. Can you try thinking objectively for once in your life?

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Dyer is a lonely, socially awkward guy, looking to find a way to connect with his community. Shame on you, Mr. Troll.

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    7:03AM - Sounds more like the troll than Dyer.

  9. Anonymous9:10 AM

    6:32AM - You's the someone who goes to meetings, that's the kind of little things that really tick me off. It's the attitude I see that's pervasive in the county.

    Slap something together and worry about the details later. When meetings are set up within the community it's to "encourage the community to show up." When they change the location is it "to see who still shows up?" It's more of the same lack of respect for the residents.

    So, maybe to you, this is a lame thing to bitch about...but is isn't to all.

  10. #MoCoTermLimits #ThrowTheBumsOut

  11. Anonymous6:25 PM


  12. Anonymous6:28 PM

    What does term limits for Montgomery County officials have to do with the FAA?

    Does Dyer know what the "F" in FAA stands for?

  13. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I've had this meeting on my calendar for over a month. I am just now learning of the change in location. In fact, i received a reminder today from a neighborhood listserve reminding us to attend this meeting at Westland! I hope some kind person at Westland puts a big sign on their door giving this info & the address (which I had to look up b/c I had no idea off the top of my head where BCC Services Center is.)

  14. Anonymous6:33 PM

    People missed this meeting because they weren't notified of the change. typical arrogance of this county government and the planning board all of which are appointed by the county council. #termlimits
