Sunday, January 01, 2017

Bethesda construction update: 8008 Wisconsin Toll Brothers project (Photos)

An asbestos removal project has begun at the vacant Bethesda Valet dry cleaners and Ranger Surplus store, both inside a strip center being demolished to make way for Toll Brothers' 8008 Wisconsin Avenue condominium project. The asbestos project is scheduled to continue until the end of March. Some demolition work has been done inside these, and in the "Beer House" around the corner at Woodmont and Cordell Avenues. That house is also coming down.

Bethesda Valet

Bethesda Valet

The "beer house"

Beer House

Beer House

Beer House
Ranger Surplus

Ranger Surplus

Ranger Surplus 

Ranger Surplus


  1. Anonymous6:15 PM

    That building isn't a "strip center".

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    No it isn't.

  3. 9:06: Yes, it is, "Mr. Dumass." Are you mentally ill, or do you just not understand the basic concept of multiple storefronts in a single, low-rise retail building?

  4. Anonymous5:17 AM


  5. Anonymous8:56 AM

    The Bradley Shopping Center is a "strip center".

    Two tiny shops in a tiny building with two parking spaces in back, does not equal "strip center".

  6. Anonymous9:53 AM

    A stupid part of the english language in which people actually argue the meaning of words.
    -Urban Dictionary, definition 2

  7. 8:56: BS definition. One low-rise building, multiple storefronts = strip center.

  8. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Is this some kind of weird sponsored content for a long-vacant building that's about to be demolished?

  9. Anonymous3:35 PM

    11:10am who paid you to say that?

  10. Anonymous4:06 PM

    The previous commenter is correct.

    I'm a commercial real estate professional, and in no way shape or form is that property considered a "strip center." If that's a "strip center", then half of Brooklyn is "strip centers"

    A strip center is a stand-alone suburban retail center with the units arranged in an straight or "L" shaped config fronting a surface lot. They are almost always owned and managed by a single entity (but not necessarily the same one).

    If you simply thanked him/her for the polite correction and moved on instead of flinging expletives and insults people would take you a lot more seriously.
