Monday, January 23, 2017

Lighted signs installed at Element 28 apartments, Hyatt Regency Bethesda (Photos)

The sign has been installed at the new Element 28 luxury apartment tower at 100 Commerce Lane in downtown Bethesda. It's already lit, as are parts of the glowing leaf sculpture in front of the building.

Glowing green leaf
sculpture lit

Also up and lit, is a new sign at the Hyatt Regency Bethesda. The hotel is in the final phase of a major makeover, which will include the addition of more restaurants and retail on the ground floor.


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    You should be arrested for all the peeps you creeped out while taking this pictures.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      "THESE pictures" you dumb Mexican!

  2. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Why no coverage of the Women's March downtown on Saturday? Half of Bethesda went down there, and all the Red Line stations were filled to capacity and beyond.

    1. 8:15: Not a Bethesda story. I did notice some local reporters were actually marching and tweeting as participants, not journalists. Not a good look. Fake news purveyors aside, kudos to those who exercised their 1st Amendment rights peacefully on Saturday. But the event and issues were the antithesis of hyperlocal news, which is about what's going on right here in our town.

  3. Anonymous8:16 AM

    8:08 AM Prince of Petworth and ARLNow guy would be in jail too, right?

    1. 8:16: Yeah, and I doubt Hans Riemer or even David Trone would bail them out, at this point. #AngelInvestors #ShowMeTheMoney

  4. Anonymous12:40 PM


  5. Anonymous1:36 PM

    How is that not a good look?

    I know you can't be saying it's putting a personal slant on a story. That's done all the time on broadcast tv and not only widely accepted by the public, but also widely liked.

    And you can't be saying kudos to those who exercised their right while telling them not to talk about it.

    "marching and tweeting as participants, not journalists. Not a good look. Fake news purveyors aside" So can you explain?

    1. 1:36: The reporters do have a right to enthusiastically march, but "it's not a good look" because journalists are supposed to be objective. If you're trashing Obama or Trump in your Twitter feed, and participating in political actions you are covering (even if it's just to please the angel investors of your publication, rather than being s story relevant to Bethesda), you've committed a major ethics breach, and have lost your journalist credentials.

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I'm looking forward to all of our local legacy media bloggers reporting from the March for Life this week!

    1. 2:03: Hey - good point. There are a lot of people from Bethesda in that march, too. They'll have to give us coverage of that, or be hypocrites. I don't count either march as a Bethesda story, but if they deemed Saturday's relevant, so is March for Life.

    2. Anonymous10:51 PM

      The "pro-life" counter-protestors were outnumbered on the order of tens or hundreds of thousands to one.

  7. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Check out videos of "peaceful womens march " protestors setting a female trump supporter on fire

  8. Anonymous10:48 PM

    3:59 & 4:00 PM = Alternative Facts

  9. 10:51: Huh? The March for Life is a separate protest on a different day.

  10. 4:00: Saw that - despicable. 98% of those attending were peaceful, but the fascist 2% lighting people on fire, punching, throwing rocks, and destroying property (and who had planned to deal out greater violence and even gas occupied buildings before being caught on video planning it) should be of great concern to all of us. As we saw right here in Montgomery County, the violence is actually perpetrated by extreme fascists on the anti-Trump side.

  11. Anonymous3:05 AM

    @ 4:00 PM - Source: Russia Today Poor gullible Trumptard.

  12. 3:05: There is actual video of the girl's hair being lit on fire, and then a guy puts it out.

  13. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Dyer, you birdbrain - there was no violence, injuries or arrests at the Woman's March on Saturday. Just 500,000-1,000,000 American men, women and children peacefully protesting the Crybaby-In-Chief.

  14. 4:46: You conveniently missed the 217 arrests, smashed windows, assaults, and torched limo on Friday. #Oops

  15. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Reporters posting pictures from a march is not participating, it's called reporting on the news.

    1. 6:23: Unfortunately, when photos of a hyperpartisan march miles away from your coverage area are surrounded by anti-Trump tweets, you are participating, not reporting. Sad. Journalism 101.

  16. Anonymous6:28 AM

    The March wasn't on Friday, Birdbrain.

    1. 6:28: The terrorist wing arrived a day early. Fortunately, MPD did a decent job locking up the goon squad before the more intelligent folks arrived for Saturday. Varsity and JV teams, you might say.

  17. Anonymous7:35 AM

    @458 all that violence was because your dipshit choice for President won - imagine if you ever got anywhere in county council. I am fearing for my life just thinking about it.

    1. 7:35: Whoa, whoa, whoa - you are endorsing the use of physical violence against people who vote for a candidate you don't like? George Leventhal and Hans Riemer operative endorses fascist stormtroopers of DisruptJ20? Endorses destruction of property, assault and lighting women on fire?


  18. Anonymous7:37 AM

    @327 - I wish someone would light Dyer's hair on fire too

    1. 7:37: Ever notice how the County Council is always on the side of actual physical violence against political opposition? Scary.

  19. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Dyer @4:46: "You conveniently missed the 217 arrests, smashed windows, assaults, and torched limo on Friday. #Oops"

    That was Friday. That was not Saturday.

    @4:46 said "Dyer, you birdbrain - there was no violence, injuries or arrests at the Woman's March on Saturday. Just 500,000-1,000,000 American men, women and children peacefully protesting the Crybaby-In-Chief."

    Apples to apples. Please.

  20. Anonymous8:08 AM

    You really, really, really don't want to get into a discussion comparing Friday to Saturday.

  21. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Your comments, unedited:
    'The reporters do have a right to enthusiastically march, but "it's not a good look" because journalists are supposed to be objective. If you're trashing Obama or Trump in your Twitter feed, and participating in political actions you are covering (even if it's just to please the angel investors of your publication, rather than being s story relevant to Bethesda), you've committed a major ethics breach, and have lost your journalist credentials.'

    You are saying it's a major ethics breach to include your opinion in any type of reporting?

    This is the rights of the press and the people.
    Much more encompassing than a feud with a competitor.

    1. 8:34: Huh? Journalists aren't even supposed to be members of a political party, much less bashing Trump while participating, er, "covering" an anti-Trump march. Egregious violation of journalistic ethics. Much more encompassing than a feud with a competitor, indeed.

  22. Anonymous8:49 AM

    1) "Journalists aren't even supposed to be members of a political party"
    Please explain yourself. Not your words. Yourself. Your style of reporting.

    2) 7:35: Whoa, whoa, whoa - you are endorsing the use of physical violence against people who vote for a candidate you don't like?

    This is word for word what was posted by @7:35 -"all that violence was because your dipshit choice for President won - imagine if you ever got anywhere in county council. I am fearing for my life just thinking about it."

    WHERE is there an endorsement in there?

  23. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "Journalists aren't supposed to be members of a political party", says "journalist" Robert Dyer, thrice-defeated Republican candidate, and former member of the MoCo County Republican Central Committee.

  24. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Dyer said, unedited:
    "7:37: Ever notice how the County Council is always on the side of actual physical violence against political opposition? Scary. "

    That is not true. Actual physical violence? I don't know any of the council personally except for Elrich, but I cannot see any one of them approving of actual physical violence upon anyone.

    If they have, please show me. I have an open mind. If I'm wrong, I'll gladly say so.

  25. Anonymous9:40 AM


  26. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Nothing on this blog remotely resembles actual "journalism" (more like delusional rantings from a wingnut), so it's ironic for Dyer to criticize others on rules of journalism.

    Like the other misogynistic and hypocritical Trump worshipers, Dyer calls peaceful protesters "terrorists" while sympathizing with ultra-racist, extremist factions like the National Policy Institute.

    What a joke. Don't worry Dyer your utterly-incompetent hero will be impeached before the end of the year.

  27. 10:01: Yeah, I guess that's why I've had multiple investigative reports recently exposing wrongdoing and illegalities in Montgomery County government, two last Friday alone. While ignoring things like illegal use of funds, and $900M overruns on drainpipes, another site was reporting that Metro was operating. The sun came up, too.

    You said earlier you support lighting women on fire, and you're calling me a misogynist?

    I called the fascist stormtroopers who deployed here Friday terrorists because that's what they are. You sound like a terrorist yourself, saying that assaulting with intent to inflict serious injury and lighting women on fire is justifiable if the victims voted for the Republican candidate last November. Are you kidding me?

    What exactly will Trump be impeached for? Is this going to be another Clinton impeachment waste of America's time and money?

    9:14: I said they are on the side of violence, egging on kids who ended up beating up a kid for wearing a Trump hat in Rockville. You work on the Council's behalf, and they are apparently cool with a guy who says it's OK to light a woman on fire if she voted for Trump. Nice. Sounds like Germany in the 1930s to me.

  28. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Excuse me, I am 9:14 and I do not work on the council's behalf. Who do you think I am? I'll be happy to email you privately my name and address if you do not believe me.
    Please show me proof of "County Council is always on the side of actual physical violence against political opposition" Where have they endorsed physical violence?

    BTW, a woman's HAIR caught on fire for 5 seconds on FRIDAY. Please, go research. I have spoken today with the Washington Post and Fox5. The only person actually set on fire was a man who set himself on fire in front of Trump's hotel. I'm very disappointed in you for passing on misinformation.

  29. 11:07: There is video of the woman's hair being lit on fire. The only reason it was put out is because a guy with some sense of humanity smothered it with his hand quickly. The intent of the terrorist, er, "demonstrator" who did it was indeed to light the woman on fire.

    There's quite a difference between someone with mental illness doing something to themselves, and a domestic terrorist lighting someone on fire because they voted for a particular candidate in an election. That is psychotic. I never said it happened on Saturday, by the way. I don't know which day it happened. I just saw the video last night, but it clearly shows the girl being lit on fire.

  30. The Council is on videotape, and in screen captures I took from social media, creating a climate of fear and hate after the election. They then generated exactly the results you would expect - violence and vandalism against Trump supporters. Shameful. The idea that you can't walk around with a Trump hat for fear of being brutally assaulted is one they introduced to Montgomery County. Despicable.

  31. Anonymous11:34 AM

    It does not show her being set on fire. It shows a woman turning, a man tapping out a fire in her hair. You DO NOT see her being lit.

    The Council is on videotape endorsing violence? Show me. Show me someone endorsing violence.

    As for that guy in the hat? You do know that he was threatening violence against those people, don't you? I don't agree with the violence, but to hear you you'd think that he was just happily and quietly walking down the way when he was assaulted. Wrong. Period.

    1. 11:34: You can clearly see a lighter wielded by the woman in the blue hat pressed up to the victim's hair. The man then smacks it out, unable - like most of us - to believe what he's just witnessed.

      This is the first I've heard of the kid in Trump hat threatening violence. The only thing I've heard is that he was jabbering at the protesters. The assailants were the ones who used violence, and were too cowardly to fight one-on-one, to boot.

      These are facts. I absolutely have photos showing the fear and hate tweets and posts by the Council. I published some on my blog. They told kids who don't even follow politics that closely that they should be scared, and that the new president and his supporters "hate" them. In fact, Trump isn't anti-LGBT, anti-transgender, or anti-Semetic - they lied. But they created a climate of fear and hate to score cheap political points anyway. They're going to own that in 2018.

  32. Anonymous11:36 AM

    There are things that are opinion and things that are fact.
    All these years I've been reading, I thought you knew the difference.
    I'm saddened to realize you don't.

  33. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Dyer @ 2:25AM said "violence is actually perpetrated by extreme fascists on the anti-Trump side."

    1. 11:57: You haven't seen the news footage? People dressed in terrorist outfits and masks assaulting, destroying property, lighting a girl on fire and a limo on fire? They were quoted in the paper saying the Trump victory justified all of this, and that they had wanted to punch more Trump supporters than they were able to before being arrested. They had also planned to gas people in buildings, using the ventilation systems. Justifying violence based on political beliefs is fascism and terrorism.

  34. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Robert Dyer gassed people in a building a few hours after Taco Bell had their bean burrito special.

  35. Anonymous12:15 PM

    "They had wanted to punch more Trump supporters than they were able to before being arrested."

    Search for " punch" and see what you get. LOL

  36. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Aaron was spotted saturday wearing his pink pussyhat.

  37. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Any head covering that Robert Dyer wears is by definition a "pussy hat".

  38. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Show the photos where the council members are "always on the side of actual physical violence against political opposition."
    I'm an adult, I need more than "because I said so."

    The lighter to the hair was terrible. Do you know who did it? I was reading on another website that it was a practical joke, although ill-advised, played on her by her friends who'd been pleading with her to get her hair cut. They were the ones encouraging her to get the selfie with the sign.

  39. Anonymous4:25 PM

    The anti-Trumps are the fascists?

    Please educate yourself. Here, I'll help you:
    Umberto Eco, in his fundamentals of fascism lists these features
    a cult of action, a celebration of aggressive masculinity, an intolerance of criticism, a fear of difference and outsiders, a pitch to the frustrations of the lower middle class, an intense nationalism and resentment at national humiliation, and a “popular elitism” that promises every citizen that they’re part of “the best people of the world.”

    Anti-Trumps? I think not.

  40. Anonymous4:33 PM

    When I was in high school, one of my classmates passed out drunk at a party, and when he woke up, one half of his mustache had been shaved off.

    According to Dyer, that's "terrorism".

  41. Anonymous6:40 PM

    The Council loves to fan the flames whenever there's an opportunity. Not exactly the most mature people.

  42. 4:07: Fake news. The Trump supporters were not friends with anti=Trump protesters. I've got the screen captures of the Council promoting hate and fear after the election. It's all on the record. Then it blew up in their faces when their side started assaulting people and vandalizing homes and vehicles.

    4:25: Eco was a fascist himself, and an anti-Catholic bigot. Not exactly an objective source.

    4:33: Punching people, destroying property, lighting women on fire, gassing people in buildings - - yeah, that's terrorism.

    6:40: They need a distraction from their record of failure inside Montgomery County. Look how many hours the Council wasted marching downtown this weekend, while MoCo faces so many crises here at home.

  43. Anonymous5:20 AM

    4:07 LifeZette is not a credible news source. Neither is InfoWars. Do you think 3 million voted illegally too? If so, we ALL need to contact our local representatives because, who knows? term limits might not have passed!! all those illegal voters who voted only for Hillary, probably voted here too. Terrorism. Too funny. This will be great news for abused women! Hate crime charges for abusive spouses for a shove.

    Fake news is something like a screen shot that purports to show our current council members promoting and encouraging mass violence? Minutia and a distraction from the real issue.

    4:25 Pot, meet kettle. But he sure as hell knows about fascism.

    Gaslighting and alternative facts. not a good look for you Dyer.

    I have nothing to do with the council. I'm just a MoCo resident; been one for the better part of my entire life. Don't like them much, voted against a few. But to publicly accuse them of promoting and encouraging violence? Those are strong words.
    Words have consequences.

    I've offered you my name and address, sent privately of course, to ease your paranoia over my connection to the council. Hint: I have none. Zero. Met Marc Erlich once for maybe a minute, enough to say hello and discuss the crowd.

    Even council members are allowed out. We hope they stay current with the facts. And how better than to be there in person?

  44. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Elrich - sorry for the typo.

  45. 5:20: Have never read Lifezette, but I read the Washington Post this morning, detailing the terror attack plot by DisruptJ20, which was foiled by journalist James O'Keefe and the MPD. DisruptJ20's plans included gas and acid attacks on people who voted for Donald Trump at a ball. They also threatened to arson the homes of District government and law enforcement officials.

    Lighting a woman on fire is not a "shove."

    I'll certainly agree to accept that you are not our resident Council-employed troll, but I think its an easy mistake to make when your rhetoric is similar. That guy posts here all day and night.

    Commendably, Elrich was not one of the Councilmembers loudly and publicly engaging in the divisive talk after the election.

    A climate of fear and anger leads to violence: "Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering."

  46. Anonymous6:11 AM

    "Foiled by 'journalist' James O'Keefe"

    That was a hoax, you Birdbrain. O'Keefe got punked.

  47. 6:11: That's the second factual incident captured on video that you've denied happened. The Metropolitan Police Department shut the group down after being tipped off by O'Keefe's undercover videos.

  48. 10:01 am8:06 AM

    Let me set the record straight: I'm 10:01 (according to your weird timestamps). That was my only comment on this thread.

    "Yeah, I guess that's why I've had multiple investigative reports recently exposing wrongdoing and illegalities in Montgomery County government, two last Friday alone."

    Ha. Absolutely NOBODY takes your so-called "investigative reports" seriously. People come here to read about retail and development in Bethesda, not the baseless subjective rants.

    "You said earlier you support lighting women on fire, and you're calling me a misogynist?"

    I said no such thing, but cherry-picking one incident and using that to represent the more than million people who protested around the world last weekend is probably the stupidest thing I've every seen you say (and that's saying a lot).

    "I called the fascist stormtroopers who deployed here Friday terrorists because that's what they are."

    No fascists are your hero Donald Trump and his extremist supporters like Stephen Bannon and the National Policy Institute, who you unsurprisingly support.

    "You sound like a terrorist yourself"

    Haha, with that I'm done. Trying to have a discussion with someone with someone who spouts absurd and idiotic statements with the frequency you do is like talking to a brick wall.

  49. 8:06: Investigative reports based on facts and statistics are not "subjective rants."

    If you think Trump and Bannon are "fascists," you may need to adjust your tinfoil hat.

    If you think masked thugs dressed in black punching, smashing and burning property, and stating they will arson government and law enforcement officials' homes, and who were foiled in their plans to use acid and gas attacks against people who committed the crime of voting for a different presidential candidate are not fascist stormtroopers, then you need to read about 1930s Germany.

  50. Anonymous11:23 AM

    rhetoric is similar = coherent, subject-related, intelligent comments there are several here

    pro-Trump supporters have been responsible for a wave of attacks against Muslims, Latinos, blacks, and the LGBT community.

    anti-obama protests in 2008 + 2009 were greater and more violent than those in 2017

    Anti-trumpers are not protesting because he's republican it's because he's an older white male and there is no group millennials trust less than older white males

    1. 11:23: Fake news. Those fake reports have been completely debunked. Violent anti-Obama protests? Never happened.

  51. Anonymous11:32 AM

    not fascist, worse, authoritarian

  52. Anonymous11:44 AM

    trump - sorry typo or Freudian slip - unintentional

  53. 11:43: I never made any such blanket statement, Saul Alinsky.

  54. 5:59: All those rally stories were debunked, much like the "I was attacked by Trump supporters who stole my hijab" stories. Fake news. Birther stories were real news, but no different from Congressman Lewis stating the duly-elected president is "not legitimate."

  55. Anonymous7:04 AM

    They were not debunked. You are wearing rose colored glasses and flashing your ignorance. There were demonstrations that got violent when Obama was running. FACT. There were demonstrations got violent when Trump was elected. FACT. You lose credibility with your my side is always right and righteous and the other side is always wrong and immoral.
    It is not the job of the media to assume intent.

    The Republican party was taken over by hate groups. No compromise hate groups. I left the party when they decided that blocking legislation and stalling this country was better than working towards compromise. They take 50% of the blame for where this country is right now.

  56. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Reporting on the jackasses in the birther movement was news.

    Their facts were wrong. Reporting those as true was fake news.

    Reporting on the gunman driving to and going into at Comet Ping Pong was news.

    He had been duped by fake news that a political candidate was running a child slavery ring.

    I thought you would know the difference.

  57. 7:04/7:10: You seem to have now gone to a completely different topic from your original off-topic topic. "Hate groups?" Have you seen a KKK rally recently? They're lucky to have 10 people waving signs on the side of a road.

  58. Anonymous10:01 AM

    How is this a different topic? You're doing the driving.

    I didn't start this off-topic topic. You did. In the comments. @ 2:25. When you blasted fake news by saying 2% of the 500,000+ people downtown were setting people on fire. Unless you can show proof of the other 9,999 people set on fire.

    And then you re-upped it by publicly accusing County Council members of repeatedly promoting and encouraging violence. An outright lie or misrepresentation of facts. Supported by the equivalent of "because I said so.", I haven't been to a KKK rally. Ever. Never would.
    What are you trying to imply? And where are you trying to take this?

    1. 10:01: Wrong. You went off topic saying I should have written about a protest march in DC on a Bethesda news site - on an article about lighted signs, no less. In responding, I then commented about the rioting.

      Everything I said is a fact - a woman was lit on fire for being a Trump supporter, the Council did create a climate of fear and hate to demonize and dehumanize Trump supporters which led to violence from people ON THEIR SIDE against Trump supporters in the County, and you claimed hate groups had taken over the GOP when groups like the KKK can't even muster a crowd anymore.


  59. Anonymous10:51 AM

    "The other 9,999 people set on fire"



  60. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Wow. You are thin-skinned.
    And misinformed. My first post was @8:06 and I was joining an in-progress conversation. As mentioned before, I have no problem claiming my comments or repeating anything in person face-to-face.

    How do you know she was lit on fire for being a Trump supporter? You might surmise that, but unless there is an interview with the person using the lighter, you cannot unequivocally claim it as fact. There are ethics in journalism. See, I've been reading your comments. Your comment is a NON-FACT, also known as opinion.

    I said hate groups had taken over the GOP. They have. I'm a person, I'm allowed my opinion. You can't honestly think the KKK is the only hate group in America. Look at what happened with the airline employee, see FoxNews link:.
    That's hate. FACT.

    There you go again, publicly accusing County Council members of repeatedly promoting and encouraging violence. An outright lie or misrepresentation of facts. And still supported by the equivalent of "because I said so." sigh.

    1. 12:12: So one mental patient going nuts at an airport means a whole political party has been "taken over by hate groups?" Please. And if a KKK member assaults a black person at a counter-protest, you would say that race wasn't a factor? Come on.

      The Council's statements encouraging fear and hatred toward Trump supporters is on record and as Hillary said, "I CAN'T WAIT" for them to own that in 2018.

  61. Anonymous7:53 AM

    You are cherry-picking comments to reply to? Typical diversion technique. Explained here: As from one text:
    "Side-stepping and misleading: rather than being accountable and responsible, what the issue-dodger and subject-changer really wants is to advance their own agenda at the expense of yours, while simultaneously managing your impression of them."

    But I'll play along. Yep. In my opinion the GOP was taken over by non-compromising hate groups. Hate for anyone and anything different than what they think is normal and right.
    Are you really trying to claim that there's only been ONE instance of hate? You cannot be that ignorant.
    I'll be more than happy to link 63 other articles of hate that I have on hand.
    And I can easily get more or get some from my pastor. He is so disheartened at how we humans treat each other and often preaches on it.

    You got a little confused, here, with the race comment. But I refuse to get into any discussion about the KKK. A vile and disgusting organization.

    Still no evidence or proof that "The Council's statements encouraging fear and hatred toward Trump supporters is on record" An outright lie or misrepresentation of facts. Either way, what it is, in fact, is an UNSUPPORTED CLAIM.

    1. 7:53: Were you out of the country when George Leventhal announced that he didn't feel "safe" shortly after Trump's election? Just one example of many. If you weren't paying attention, how can you be arguing and disputing what I'm saying?

  62. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Words have meaning and words have consequences.

  63. Anonymous6:50 AM

    One minute. LOL


  64. 5:23: A grown man, a wealthy sitting County Councilmember standing before the public announcing he is scared and doesn't feel safe is not creating a climate of fear? Telling kids who may not be following politics closely that, if they aren't scared, they should be? That Trump and his supporters hate them, and will put them in jail or worse? To lie about Trump's positions on gay marriage and LGBTQ issues? That's creating a climate of fear and hate, and it predictably directly led to violence and vandalism against Trump supporters.

  65. Anonymous5:30 AM

    6:50 that was me again, had a bit more to say.
    Love and bacon, 5:23AM

  66. Anonymous5:40 AM

    My, my, my. Mr Dyer. Aren't you full of....assumptions. What a crock. you are cherry-picking things and adding your own intent.
    Did you ask that particular councilperson directly why they didn't feel safe? No
    What were the exact lies about Trump's positions on gay marriage and LGBTQ? Have you supported that statement with the details? No
    I think it's shoddy reporting for you to assume the reason someone said something without following through and asking them why. You seem to be happy Henny-Pennying.

    And then, to top it off, even after everything that has happened this weekend, you think it's the Montgomery County Maryland County Council that is creating a climate of fear and hate?

  67. Anonymous5:57 AM

    This is an excellent example of cognitive dissonance...believing only what you want to believe.

    Thanks for anyone continuing to follow this thread. I'm not thrilled with our government, but if you attach lies and misrepresentations to their actions, you only confuse the issue and likely hurt your cause.

    Plus they're lies and misrepresentations, not exactly the lessons we want to impart to our youth.

    So, if Dyer wants to include his opinions and declare it as fact, then we shouldn't sit happily by.

    He's very good with getting involved and helping local issues. But his people skills are severely lacking, and his habit of using insults to make his case, is unseemly.
