Wednesday, January 11, 2017

New art exhibit this month at Bethesda Library

"Hilde" by Jill Tanenbaum
Two artists are participating in an exhibit this month at the Bethesda Library, located at 7400 Arlington Road. Playful and Spirited features paintings by Patricia Dubroof, and glassworks by Jill Tanenbaum.
"Ma de Deux" by
Patricia Dubroof
The exhibit can be viewed through January 31 during library hours, but there are also a couple of meet-the-artists events scheduled for January 25 (6:30-8:30 PM) and January 29 (3:00-5:00 PM). During those events, visitors can create their own watercolor marker works based on line drawings provided by the artists. Works will be available for purchase from both artists.


  1. Anonymous8:25 AM

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  2. Terrific Show. Events with the artists especially engaging for young children - very hands on.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    2:54pm is drunk Steve Hull.
    There's a reason one of his bloggers trespassed on MCPS property recently. Something is going on.

  4. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Thanks for the info, Barrie!
