Saturday, March 25, 2017

Bethesda construction update: uBreakiFix (Photos)

uBreakiFix looks just about ready to open. Once open, they will fix everything you broke from cell phones to tablets to video game systems, with a 90-day warranty on repairs. uBreakiFix is located at 8019 Wisconsin Avenue, in the old Potter Violin space.


  1. Anonymous6:55 AM

    2 days, 16 hours.

    1. 6:55: Wrong again. I broke the story about this store more than a month before the late report you're babbling about. "2 months, 16 days," *******. Cash me outside, how bou dat?

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I'm game. Where and when Mr Dyer? If you're gonna talk tha talk you better be ready to walk tha walk.

    Cash me outside, how bou dat - def from Urban Dictionary
    Basically, it means, come talk to me outside so that we can sort out our issues and potentially get into a physical fight.

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Dyer's pals Lipman and Sartucci just got punked, bigly. LOL

    1. What's the connection? Why was the Parents Coalition email included on that information request?

  4. Anonymous11:15 AM

    "uBreakiFix" is what I suggest for Dyer's next campaign slogan.

    The Council, Planning Board and MCPS (hello Superintendent Smith!) are leaving a real mess for the new Council to fix next term.

    I can't recall a less competent MoCo county council, planning board or school leadership in my lifetime. No wonder term limits passed overwhelmingly.

  5. Anonymous7:00 AM

    The name sounds like an ethnic slur, poor branding.
