Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Target opening April 9 in downtown Bethesda (Photos)

Target has missed its March 2017 target opening date, and has now announced an April 9, 2017 grand opening on the front of the store. A hat tip to Cordell Pugh, who noticed the sign announcing the date having been added to the "Coming Soon" signage on Target's space at the Trader Joe's-anchored Shops of Wisconsin. Here's a look at the progress inside the store:


  1. Anonymous5:52 AM

    @5:34 AM - He has better pictures though!!

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    IS there a more hated man in Bethesda than Robert Dyer? He should be in prison!

  3. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Why hasn't he been sued yet?

  4. Anonymous6:10 AM

    The interns and freelancers already have cabin fever :)

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    19 hours, 36 minutes.


  6. Skippy6:48 AM

    I'm sleeping out the night before it opens! I can't wait for this!

  7. I remember Giffords6:53 AM

    This is great. I can get my prescriptions and shop Target at the same time. Only have to park once.

    I still miss Lowen's and Bruce's!

  8. 6:42: No plagiarism - we all got the same tweet at the same time about it. Grow up, you dumpster diving hobo. #WorldsDumbestTroll

    1. Betsy8:11 AM

      I agree it's not plagiarism, but telling someone to grow up and then calling them a "dumpster diving hobo" and "worldsdumbesttroll" don't exactly make you the adult in this situation.

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Rober Dyer is just inferior in every way so he takes it out on people. Sad!

  10. Anonymous8:15 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. 8:15: What "news" do they have? The County press releases reworked into articles? Rewritten content stolen from me and the Washington Post? The latest messaging from their sugar daddies like Trone? None of that is "news, " only fake news.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      It'd behoove you to not compare yourself to WaPo. They report on news. You write about underwhelming restaurants openings and closures.

    3. 10:43: Anyone who reads this site regularly knows you're a filthy liar. I've exposed underground fuel spills, illegal use of funds by Montgomery County government, ethics violations of councilmembers, etc. Your favorite small and slightly failing magazine has done nothing like that, moron.

    4. Anonymous1:05 PM

      The Post's exposés have resulted in the resignation of a president and many other public and private officials being forced from office, prosecuted, and jailed.

      Dyer's exposés have resulted in...

      ...MoCo officials getting reelected so many times that voters finally had to go for term limits.

  11. Anonymous8:45 AM

    "Skippy", "I remember Giffords", and Dyer himself all comment within five minutes of one another.

    What an amazing coincidence.

  12. Skippy9:09 AM

    8:45 AM is a true super sleuth!

  13. Anonymous11:22 AM

    10:43 AM Dyer is doing a great job covering stories in Montgomery County. People like his work.

    You bring up the Post. It's not either or, both have there place. The Post doesn't cover the country on daily basis like Robert Dyer does. If I want White House coverage, I'll go to Post. If I want today's big story about Bethesda, I turn to Dyer.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      11:22 - Dyer doesn't "cover the country on a daily basis", you Birdbrain

  14. Anonymous12:26 PM

    HAHAHA Dyer is such a nutcase - HELLO! You replied to a post you DELETED. W T F?!

  15. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Robert Dyer has a small pen15

  16. Anonymous1:01 PM

    One day this blog will cease publishing and the world will be a much better place for it!

  17. Barwood Sucks1:36 PM

    Same lonely man trolling Dyer...not even doing a good job trolling!
    He has a major crush on Robert Dyer! Good luck with that.

  18. Anonymous2:11 PM

    1:36 has a major crush on 1:31. LOL

  19. Anonymous2:35 PM

    The CVS across the street at Wisconsin Avenue and Bradley Boulevard (the building with Petsmart and Staples) will close on April 8, the day before Target opens. That makes sense - it seemed silly to have two stores so close together, and a third (Arlington Road at Bradley Boulevard) a short distance away.

    Thanks, mocoped!

  20. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Wow, CVS is going to close there? What will take its place? It's a nice-sized store space, and has free parking in the garage. I go there now and then, when I also visit Staples.
