Thursday, March 02, 2017

Two major JBG projects advancing in downtown Bethesda (Photos)

Two major development projects by The JBG Companies are picking up steam in downtown Bethesda. There have been signs of action at the sites of the future 7900 Wisconsin mixed-use project, and 4747 Bethesda Avenue office-retail complex in recent days.
7900 Wisconsin
JBG has requested sheeting and shoring permits for 7900 Wisconsin, a 17-story, 475-unit residential building anchored by a Trader Joe's grocery store. Those permits are related to excavation for the future building. The firm had already filed for demolition permits for the existing structures on that site last month, which include an office building, retail and Autodentz.
4747 Bethesda Avenue
Meanwhile, the slow-moving demolition of an office building at 4733 Bethesda Avenue, on the site of the future office tower at 4747 Bethesda, is back on again. Wooden demolition barriers were erected around the structure yesterday. An already-constructed retail building housing Dean & DeLuca is part of the 4747 Bethesda project, as well.
Demolition barriers
at 4733 Bethesda Avenue


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Why isn't this project called 4733 Bethesda instead of 4747 if the current address is 4733?

  2. 6:20: Because it also includes 4735 Bethesda Avenue (former Thyme Square/Blu Lounge) as part of the overall project.

  3. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I thought that Fitness First had a long-term lease at 7900 Wisconsin that would preclude any development in the immediate future.

  4. 6:31: Should be entertaining to find out how that concludes, especially since they are pulling permits. On the other hand, the demolition notices haven't yet been posted on all of the buildings, even though they were requested for all. The plot thickens.

  5. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Fitness First's lease expires on October 31, 2019. The clock is ticking.

  6. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Fitness First was my first gym as a teenager in Frederick, MD. It was my gym when I was working in Dupont, and I used it for a while when I relocated to Bethesda. Kind of a sad change from it going from multiple gyms in the Maryland region to just that one, which might be gone soon as well.

  7. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Can't wait for this. JBG is easily the best developer - knocks the socks off FRT, Edens, and Regency.

  8. Anonymous7:29 AM

    JBG is not even similar to the other 3 until the merger. Federal is no doubt the best. Regency is a wannabe in the market. That is why they bought EQY and Westbard. Who even is Edens? They don't even belong in the convo with the rest.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Edens is a comparatively recent entrant in the DC market. It did a great job with Union Market in Northeast DC.

  9. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Do you know anything about the methods that will be used to demo this building and 7272 Wisconsin?

  10. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Dyer, I am very disappointed that you did not include action photos of them finally clearing out the tables and chairs from the long-vacant Thai Corner restaurant.

  11. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Any update on construction at the old post office building at Wisconsin near the Metro? I drive by there every day and never seems like much work going on.. how long has it been now?

  12. Anonymous9:59 AM

    In response to comments above:
    JBG probably made an agreement with Fitness First to relocate them elsewhere.

    JBG undeniably builds the best product, but they are very, very slow to develop. Can't remember when they ever constructed a project that wasn't 3+ years behind originally planned delivery, including the two projects in this article. Federal Realty also delivers a great product (Bethesda Row, Pike & Rose), but doesn't hesitate to build big, unlike JBG.

    The Old Post Office building (now owned by Donohoe) is being converted into Bridges Fitness & Yoga.

    P.S. More articles like this please, and not the anti-Council/Riemer rants.

  13. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Before the kerfuffle over, and extension of, Fitness First's lease, they were going to move to the red brick building that is between Artery Plaza and the Apex Building. Maybe that is still the plan.

  14. Anonymous11:41 AM

    From my understanding, Fitness First was offered money to move to a new location, but it was not enough. Their current plan is to stay where they are until the lease expires....unless someone makes them an offer they can't refuse.

  15. Anonymous12:45 PM

    The 4735 Building now includes a mock of the decorative curved dark bronze window frames mounted on the southeast corner. This could create a very dramatic vertical two story high grid unlike anything we seen have in the city. I see lots of activity at the future Dean & Deluca as well. Mechanical contactors, exterior painting, and recently a survey crew was taking grades for the entire triangular Woodmont Plaza area. Hopefully a cohesive plan for the plaza is in the works.

  16. Anonymous5:57 PM

    17 car thefts in one night and not 1 camera?
    What Obama let in

  17. Anonymous5:38 AM

    @5:57pm Actually, there are photos of the car break-in suspects from security cameras. It went out on a neighborhood listserv and was sent to police also.

    The suspect looks like what you'd see in a TV ad -- wearing a dark cap, dark hoodie, etc. Looks like a bald white guy from what I could see.

  18. Anonymous9:04 AM

    daily mail...need we say more?
