Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sanctuary Interior Design opening at Wildwood Shopping Center in Bethesda; Buredo update (Photos)

Vienna-based Sanctuary Interior Design will open a Bethesda location this fall in the Wildwood Shopping Center. They are calling the new outlet a "Rockstar interior design studio." The new Sanctuary location will also carry home design gifts.

Meanwhile, the sign is up at Buredo, the new fast-casual restaurant at Wildwood that will offer sushi burritos. As build-out of the interior continues, a nifty mural depicting highways and bridges across rivers is sure to make the blood of our "War on Cars" Montgomery County Council boil. "How dare they!"


  1. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "a nifty mural depicting highways and bridges across rivers is sure to make the blood of our "War on Cars" Montgomery County Council boil. "How dare they!""

    What kind of convoluted crap is that?

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Robert you're a total wacko. Your commentaries ruin all your posts on simple news like this poor business working hard to open. Just shut up already and let the business shine without your nonsensical ramblings.

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    "As build-out of the interior continues, a nifty mural depicting dense, high-rise urban development is sure to make the blood of Westbard NIMBYs and local bloggers boil. "How dare they!"

  4. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Has Kaldi's closed? You still reporting stuff without checking the facts?

  5. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Well, someone is trolling like crazy today...lighten up!

  6. 8:12: You're a sad little man who can't come to grips with the fact that Kaldi's posted an announcement they were closing, and having a "complete liquidation" of their stuff. Are they still posting stuff without checking their own facts?

    7:04/7:14/7:27: #Triggered

    7:29: Hopefully right before election day.

  7. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Triggered?..yeah...by that crap sentence and your attempt to use a pretty little mural to complain about something completely unrelated to Buredo.
    Love, 7:04AM

  8. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Kaldi's didn't "post an announcement they were closing". The firm that was holding their auction of surplus equipment over-hyped the sale in their own announcement, which did not mention Kaldi's name.

    BB and SotS contacted the owner and got the story right. Why didn't you?

    Do you believe that Oriental rug stores are closing every time they announce a "going out of business sale"?

  9. G. Money10:07 AM

    "Do you believe that Oriental rug stores are closing every time they announce a "going out of business sale"?"

    Ok folks, we have a winner, everyone else can go home now.

  10. High above Courthouse Metro10:45 AM

    9:59AM & 10:07AM You're comparing rug shops to coffee shops? Grab a coffee, get a grip and move on.

    You want to spend 100 comments arguing about a coffee shop's auction ad. There's a lot of other news to talk about.

  11. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Why would you have to verify an ad that states it is a liquidation? , where would the confusion be found?

  12. Anonymous11:00 AM

    He over-reached in his story and was wrong. He should admit it and move on. Journalism 101.

    1. You can't "overreach when the business itself announces it is "closing its doors," and is "urgently" conducting a "complete liquidation." Complete, as in nothing left in the restaurant. They gave their street address and included photos of the restaurant. You got served.

  13. Anonymous11:58 AM

    ^^^ this is why no one will ever trust your reporting. Admit you were wrong and should have called the restaurant to find out if they were, in fact, closing, as you reported.

    1. 11:58: Everybody trusts my reporting - that's how I became the leading source of hyperlocal news in Montgomery County. In contrast, restaurant owners are often the least trustworthy source, trying to pretend they're not closing when they are. Pizza Pass, Quincy's, Bethesda Barbecue, among others, made fools of Bethesda Mag, which fell for their tall tales hook line and sinker!

    2. Anonymous2:15 PM

      "I became the leading source of hyperlocal news in Montgomery County."

      Who has ever said this other than you?

  14. Anonymous12:33 PM

    11:58AM No restaurant owner ever admits they're closing in advance.

    Places have removed every fixture and claimed they we not closing.

    So, it's not as easy as calling one person and stating it as fact. It's one data point.

  15. Anonymous2:18 PM

    2:15 PM Who else has a network of hyper local sites in MoCo? In fact, Dyer has the most visited sites focused on East Moco and Rockville!

  16. Anonymous2:50 PM

    2:18 PM = #UnsignedDyer

  17. Anonymous2:53 PM

    2:50 PM:
    2:18PM here! Happy to correct my statement if there's a more popular source of news in those communities! Or if there's another MoCo network of hyperlocal sites.

    Facts are facts.

  18. Anonymous5:15 AM

    2:53PM Please show proof of your "facts." Shouldn't be hard to do, considering it's "facts" there should be several sources. I have an open mind, put up some verifiable support for your claim and maybe help change some minds.

  19. Anonymous6:18 AM

    5:15 AM If there are other hyper local sites around the county, let me know what they are so I can compare traffic.

  20. Riff Rafferty6:45 AM

    Dyer is starting to sound like a hyper local nut-job! That mural has nothing to do with the County Council, and I would bet nobody other than yourself even associated it with anything having any sort of remotely political agenda or affect on anything or anyone. This is why people troll him!

  21. Anonymous6:58 AM

    5:15 here. I didn't make any claims. 2:53(aka 2:18) did when they posted "In fact, Dyer has the most visited sites focused on East Moco and Rockville!"

    I'm just asking for some proof to back it up. I'm not denying it, I'm not agreeing with it. Maybe with some verifiable proof I'll be able to have a viewpoint.

  22. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Could Dyer bodyslam or five finger death punch a buredo. That's what I want to know.

  23. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I believe the Empire State Building was constructed faster than the Buredo location in Wildwood.
