Wednesday, October 11, 2017

A peek into Santa's workshop at Sears in Bethesda (Photos)

How do the elves at Sears at Westfield Montgomery Mall put the spectacular Christmas section of the store together? Here's a peek behind the scenes as they were making their list and checking it twice, constructing the 2017 holiday floor display area.

The most interesting thing is this
book of planograms from Sears HQ;
it shows where the Christmas products
should be placed. For ezample, the new
holiday projector item should be on
the second shelf in the main aisle
Given the dire national forecast for Sears, will this be what the late George Michael might call the "last Christmas" for the Bethesda store? Let's hope not. Sears will open early for Black Friday 2017 - at 6:00 PM on Thanksgiving, according to Grab that turkey leg, and run out the door.

Everything in its proper place,
as Hans Christian Anderson
once said

What do you know? There's that new
holiday projector. It works for
Halloween too

And there it is,
on the correct shelf, but room
for more items remains

It's not just a
Christmas section, it's a
"New Holiday Experience,"
this world's-largest-Post-It-Note


  1. Anonymous9:46 AM

    "[T]the elves...were making their list and checking it twice..."

    No, that would be Santa, you Birdbrain.

  2. 9:46: Think about the context of the story, birdbrain.

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Robert, if you are going to make another attempt to get your blog certified for Google News, I strongly recommend that you do not submit this article as an example of your "news".

  4. R. Tillerson9:53 AM

    can't find quality content like this on GoogleNews

    Thanks Robert!

  5. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I hope you gave the Elves a copy of "How To Survive A Moron Boss".

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Dyer forgot to take his meds this am.

  7. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Looks like Mark Zuckerberg wouldn't let Robert Dyer post this news article on his Facebook page.

  8. Anonymous11:44 AM

    It's annoying how early Christmas decorations are displayed. Stores Don't have the descency to wait until after Halloween! I remember when the weekend of Thanksgiving was the day to decorate and start shopping. That made the most sense to me.

  9. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Hahaha...Bethesda Magazine is investigating the legality and rules governing renting a house on Airbnb while Dyer is taking pictures of elves. Bethesda Magazines is news. Dyer is totally failing.

  10. Anonymous1:15 PM

    12:36 - The word you want is "intellectually disabled".

    - Poor planning or problem solving abilities
    - Behavioral and social problems
    - Failure to grow intellectually or continued infant-like behavior
    - Failure to adapt or adjust to new situations
    - Difficulty understanding and following social rules

  11. Anonymous1:44 PM

    This is huge huge news. Glad someone is covering this. Thanks Robert!

  12. Anonymous2:25 PM

    If a magazine was fulfilling everyone's needs, Dyer and other digital news sources wouldn't exist. Think about it.

    I'm not subscribing to your magazine. It's geared more towards the "Rich Housewives of Potomac" demo. Dyer has a different audience.

    1. RedPillAF2:44 PM

      Damn right. I love this blog and the YouTube channel. I hope you do a video on the szechuan sauce at McDonalds!

  13. Anonymous3:38 PM

    "Everything in its proper place, as Hans Christian Anderson once said"

    HC Andersen was a bit of a perv.

  14. Anonymous5:21 PM

    3:08, so you don't consider yourself a reader? You feel the need to comment but yet you don't go out of your way to go to this blog and read what is written. 2:25 is spot on. I come to this site so that I can learn more about what is going on locally. I also go to Bethesda Magazine, but I clearly crave more non mainstream articles and this blog fulfills the need for me. Obviously it does for you too if you are so inclined to read the blog and comment as well.

  15. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Just because people read this blog and post doesn't mean they consider it a real news source. They aren't the same.
    It's like reading the front page...and also the comics.

  16. 3:51: One doesn't learn about covered-up underground fuel spills and corrupt councilmen in the comics, old sport. This is the ultimate news source for those who want to know what's really going on in Bethesda, not what the MoCo political cartel wants you to think is going on.

  17. Anonymous5:15 AM

    You're right. This is the place to come for fake news, conspiracy theory and bombastic claims. Indeed.

  18. 5:15: A fuel spill later double-confirmed by your beloved EYA's own environmental test is "fake?" Even your own allies may conclude you are nuts. I was totally vindicated on that, and every other factual report I've published.

  19. Anonymous5:22 AM

    You're cute. Most major retailers provide their store management with diagrams and photographs for exact product placement, especially when it's holiday-display time. It's why every Target is the same, every Wal-Mart is the same, every everystore in a chain is about the same. Have you ever worked, really?

  20. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Google News inclusion tip: Stop freaking out at your readers and constantly taking the troll bait in your comments section. If you go silent, the trolls will stop. And, look, maybe turn on a moderation option on these comments so you don't get spammed or attacked.

  21. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Beloved? Allies? WTF are you talking about?

    Your crazy is showing, Dyer.

  22. Anonymous6:32 AM

    If he turned off the comments he'd lose his readers.
    He knows that.
    When things get slow, he starts his own attacks via his shills.

    Page views.

  23. 5:22: No kidding. But you don't usually get to see them if you don't work there. They're not out on display.

    5:51: The trolls continue even when I don't respond, so I just hit them back 10x harder like Trump.

    6:29: You don't support the new development at Westbard and in Little Falls Stream Valley Park? You should be supporting me, then! You're a Robert Dyer fan and don't even know it.

  24. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Robert, I see a lot of references to your article about "secret underground fuel spill" by you in your comments, but I can't find that article. Could you put a link here?

  25. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Dyer, please turn off the ability to comment. Some a$$holes just come to your blog to write nasty comments and it's annoying. It's sad that they have nothing better to do with their time. But it would make your blog more enjoyable if you shut down these losers. They can start their own blog filled with negative comments if that would make them feel better.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Blogspot, please turn off the ability to blog. Some a$$holes just create a blog to write nasty posts and it’s annoying. It’s sad that they have nothing better to do with their time. But it would make Montgomery County more enjoyable if you shut down these losers. They can win their own county seats filled with negative outcomes if that would make them feel better.
