Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Work begins on plaza at 4747 Bethesda Avenue project

Work has begun on the planned public space area alongside JBG Smith's 4747 Bethesda Avenue project by Bethesda Row. The question of whether the Reed Street right-of-way there is abandoned by Montgomery County is to be determined on October 12.
The vision for the narrow plaza can be seen in the below rendering of the two-story retail building, which is the only part of the project completed so far. One tenant - Dean & DeLuca - has already signed on there. The large panels with tacky artwork are punch-outs that Dean & DeLuca's own contractor will replace with the fancy windows you see below.


  1. Anonymous5:06 AM

    They should have routed the trail behind the darcy. Now there will be higher speed bicycles going through the patio area and hopefully a green space.

  2. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Two pictures is better than 17, but again, what is the purpose of posting multiple pictures that are nearly identical? You don't need to be on Google News. You need to be on Google Looking-Busy.

  3. 5:07: As the leading source of hyperlocal news in Bethesda, I indeed belong in Google News. Too bad they blackmail you into paying them money to get in to Google News.

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    "As the leading source of hyperlocal news in Bethesda"

    Really, what makes you believe that?

  5. Anonymous5:19 AM

    You still need to delete your duplicate article about Pines of Rome (not) opening.

  6. 5:14: Content, readership, and the fact that you're assigned to comment here all day and all night as part of your duties as a paid hack for the MoCo political cartel.

    5:19: You'll have to take that up with Mark Zuckerberg. It did open, and reviews are already coming in. I understand your confusion as a carpetbagger.

  7. Anonymous5:42 AM

    What is your readership? You've never provided any actual numbers. All the numbers I've seen show that your competition gets 10-35 times as many readers as you do. Let's see you provide some actual readership numbers, Mr. Dyer.

    How come your duplicate article on Pines qualified for Facebook when your first one didn't? Did you cheat somehow on your second attempt?

  8. Anonymous5:46 AM

    Your content which does not qualify for Google News makes you believe that you're "the leading source of hyperlocal news in Bethesda"? Need a Willy Wonka meme for this one...

  9. Anonymous6:07 AM

    From "Article 2":

    Robert Dyer: "...the genesis of the story..."

    Oops, several sockpuppets just got outed.

  10. Anonymous7:34 AM

    And the quiet deletion begins...

  11. Anonymous8:29 AM

    One images the same reason Dyer yells at the county.

  12. 8:29: People are "yelling at the County" via this blog, term limits, protest marches, and more because they are corrupt criminals running our government. And doing a pathetic job of it, I might add.


  13. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Wonder if there is a slave burial ground underneath Reed Street?

  14. Anonymous11:07 AM

    @Robert Dyer, if that is your logic, what does all the yelling about Robert Dyer tell you? Maybe you are the paid operative to trash the council.

  15. Anonymous11:15 AM

    @Robert Dyer, if that is your logic, what does all the yelling about Robert Dyer tell you? Maybe you are the paid operative to trash the council.

  16. Anonymous11:35 AM


    Did you ever report your concerns to the FBI, MoCo Cartel Police, or any other law enforcement agency? You can't just throw people in jail because they remind you of what a miserable failure you are.

  17. Thanks Robert, ignore the childish trolls who harass you out of jealousy. Do you have any idea when dean and deluca will open? The work seems to have stalled.

  18. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Other than the 3 black people (2 of whom are not from Westbard, or anywhere in the DMV, and one who is not from the USA), and the 5 white people who are protesting over the alleged cemetery, what are the "protest marches against the county government" to which you refer?

  19. Anonymous2:26 PM

    1:39 PM I've never seen Bethesda residents in the streets protesting like in the past year. It shows this current Council is not normal.

  20. Anonymous3:10 PM

    "I've never seen Bethesda residents in the streets protesting like in the past year."

    Neither have I, because they haven't.

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      3:10pm you need to read Dyer's site more often, my friend.

      More resident protests in the past year than we've ever seen in generations.

  21. Anonymous7:31 PM

    5:17 - Cite one, other than the Dead Lives Matter rallies with about 10 attendees each.

    1. Anonymous7:48 PM

      I am actually unable to. I am sure there have been though.

  22. 7:31: The protests at Westwood Shopping Center and the cemetery were hundreds of people, not 10. Anybody can look at my reports on them and see the photos themselves.

  23. 1:22: Dean & DeLuca is saying before the end of the year; count me as a skeptic right now.

  24. Anonymous4:03 AM

    11:35, We all know...If there was any "there" there, the authorities would be investigating.

    If there was any "there" there, this would be the kind of career-making story that (as Dyer likes to remind us all) Eugene Robinson says one never sits on.

    Not only would Dyer have this story, he could use it in his war with the other local media sites. And might get some love from Google news and FB.

  25. 4:03: Wrong. I've alerted reporters at the Washington Post to several scandals over the years, and they have declined to investigate any of them. I've been talking about those scandals on my blog, in speeches/debates, and in videos for years. Once those with the special badges needed to raid offices, etc. those magic badges that FBI agents and Post reporters wear, I will indeed be celebrated as the one who first alerted the public to these illegalities.

  26. Anonymous5:22 AM

    You keep telling yourself that, Dyer, if it makes you feel better. The "scandals" that have turned into nothing. If there was a big story to be had, one of those Post reporters would have run with it and been happy to take the kudos.

    I stand by my statement.

  27. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I think the there are plenty of scandals happening on this council. I think Dyer does just take a shotgun approach to picking them though which is why he comes off as kinda crazy. He might not be wrong on some matters, but probably wrong on others.

  28. Anonymous8:50 AM

    So why don't you contact the FBI? Time's a-wastin', and witnesses' memories are starting to fade. You don't need for the Washington Post to report it first.
