Saturday, October 28, 2017

Kia Stinger getting a home for the holidays at Westfield Montgomery Mall

You may remember my report earlier this week about the new Kia Stinger display at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda. Now there's evidence the promotion is getting a more-elaborate home for the holiday season. A permit request has been filed with Montgomery County for a "pop-up STINGER store." Only Tesla Motors currently has a dedicated automobile showroom at the mall, another indication of Kia's ambitions for their new luxury sport sedan.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Dyer lost to Reimer by nearly 50,000 votes.

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Reamer exposed MoCo residents personal information to hackers. So, there's that.

    2. Anonymous1:55 AM

      How did he do that?

  2. Anonymous1:06 PM

    So did the US government. So there's that.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Touting oneself as a cyber security guru and then ignoring basic data governance doesn't compute. And that's exactly what Reamer did and continues to do.

      The man doesn't have a good record in office. That's a fact.

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      EVen with his record he’s likely to beat Dyer by another 50,000 votes.

    3. Anonymous1:36 PM

      1:13pm I'm not in the prediction business. I thought Hogan had zero chance of winning. He won and is now one of our most popular governors.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Young subscribers flock to old media !

    Let's see if this works:
    Flock Here

    If not, here's the copy & paste way:

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    What do you even know about "basic data governance"?
    Just big words to make you seem smart?

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      Lol...if you work in any organization with customer or constituents data, then a head of data governance is a critical role. Nothing exotic about it at all.
      That's why I'm surprised Reamer whiffed so bad on his data initiative.

  5. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Will Robert Dyer tout his use of Blogspot as experience in data governance?

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      1:44pm don't know, but I'd suggest he appoint a director of data governance to keep constituents personal data secure. I think everyone can agree on that.

  6. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Let's say -- JUST HYPOTHETICALLY, NOW -- that you have a hobby blog on which you're seemingly unable to set the time zone correctly. Would we consider -- IN THIS COMPLETELY HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO -- the operator of said blog to be a reliable source of reporting on matters such as cybersecurity, operating systems, data governance, etc.?

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Reamer put residents at risk. Apparently no data governance strategy.

      Like I said, data governance is not some exotic concept.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      2:49, in what way did Reimer personally "put residents at risk"?

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      3:57pm exposing my personal information to hackers is putting me at risk. Get it?

  7. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I don't understand why Robert can't set his Bethesda blog to the correct time zone, when his other blogs, which get even fewer readers, all show the correct time zone.

    Robert, is there any chance you could finally correct this, next Sunday, right at the time change from Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time.? You could have the time "fall forward" by two hours.

  8. Anonymous3:28 PM

    So how about that freakin’ Stinger...or are we just going to chat about off topic political ambition?

  9. Anonymous4:36 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Anonymous5:05 PM

    @4:27 I get it, but how exactly did Reimer do that? Did he set up a weak password on the County mainframe? Did he leave some ports open on the County firewall? Looking for details on how Reimer is responsible.

  11. 5:05: Very simple - while falsely claiming to be qualified to be the "Lead for Digital Government" for the Council, Riemer in fact revealed his total lack of knowledge of the field. He did not put language in his Open Data legislation that would prevent personal information on County residents from being obtained by hacker's request, or from being posted to the internet for hackers to steal.

    He also did not, as another commenter pointed out, include a data governance officer and strategy in the legislation. Every major corporation or organization has one these days.

    As a result of Riemer's inaction, residents' personal information - names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and more were posted to the County's Data Montgomery website, and were obtained by mass mailers.

    Riemer not only put you at risk, but your personal data was indeed compromised as a direct result of Riemer's legislation.

    He then broke his own data law by removing the files from the site (AFTER the personal data had been exposed and obtained by hackers). Yet he was not prosecuted!

  12. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Isn’t Ficker soliciting and spamming a county list?

  13. 1:55: The cemetery precincts came in strong for Riemer.

    1. Anonymous4:03 PM

      DO you realize what a fool you sound like? Do you realize the people that read this blog laugh at you on a daily basis. The cemetery precincts may have come in strong (that’s sarcasm), but you’ll always be the laughing stock of MoCo politics.

  14. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Continuing to promote the "cemetery" voters is just plain BS. It's a
    complete crock to begin with, even more preposterous that all the zombies would vote only for your nemesis. And there isn't any iota of bona fide evidence that illegal immigrants used the information of the dead to vote.
    To say there is is a lie, plain and simple.

    The election wasn't "stolen" from you. You didn't appeal to enough voters to get them to vote for you. Period. Anything else is sour grapes.

  15. Anonymous5:29 AM

    The Cemetery Precincts came in strong for term limits, especially the parking lot of the HOC.

  16. Anonymous6:02 AM

    "names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses"

    With the exception of email addresses, all of this is in the phone book. Then they corrected the problem and you got mad about that, too.

    Something tells me it doesn't matter what happens, this blog will still find something to criticize.

  17. Anonymous8:04 AM

    "As a result of Riemer's inaction, residents' personal information - names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and more were posted to the County's Data Montgomery website, and were obtained by mass mailers."

    I did many Google searches and I can't find your report on this. Every search result I got, using the relevant keywords, was about your hand-wringing over the change the format of the County crime reports (dozens of times in the past six months).

  18. 4:03: There's nothing funny about voter fraud.

    8:04: You couldn't find a report by Bill Turque in the Washington Post? LOL

    6:02: What's a "phone book?" LOL Something you read while waiting for your print copy of the small-and-slightly-failing magazine to arrive? Phone book? Excuse me while I put a quarter in this pay phone.

  19. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Dyer, do you keep deleting the posts that comment about what a nice looking family Hans has and that he’s a polished office holder? Insecure much? I’m sure you live as charmed of a life as him...wife, kids, etc....right?

  20. Anonymous3:42 PM

    You mean these mass mailers?

    "The release of the torrent of addresses started with a Public Information Act request by MocoVoters, a new grass-roots group that wants to increase turnout at the polls in the 2018 elections. Its co-founder, Robert Lipman, was active in opposing the county’s plan to redevelop the Westbard neighborhood of Bethesda.

    "As first reported by Bethesda Beat, the group asked for email addresses of subscribers to all County Council newsletters and to Paperless Airplane, an electronic newsletter put out by Montgomery’s public information office."

    linkie dinkie

  21. 3:42: That's it. But your quote doesn't tell the accurate story - Mr. Lipman's request was not to blame for the security breach. It was the Riemer open data law that foolishly did not have provisions to prevent residents' personal info from being posted on the Open Data website after such a request was made.

    Mr. Lipman was not the only person to request the email. What actually happened was that the County Council was enraged that Mr. Lipman and others would be able to make use of the email lists they themselves have privately abused (I have received campaign emails from George Leventhal and Roger Berliner as a result of having signed up for County email lists). They then instructed BB to dox Mr. Lipman in an article. They complied, and Mr.Lipman was predictably harassed by angry residents as a result. This was cyberbullying and doxing by public officials of a private citizen.

    Furthermore, you obscure the fact that the file was up for some time, and it is unknown how many hackers and nefarious actors may have obtained County residents' personal information during that time.

  22. 3:38: "Any fool can have a child." - Barack Obama

  23. Anonymous8:26 PM

    "Mr. Lipman was not the only person to request the email. What actually happened was that the County Council was enraged that Mr. Lipman and others would be able to make use of the email lists they themselves have privately abused...

    "They then instructed BB to dox Mr. Lipman in an article."

    Here are BB's articles on the issue. WHere did they "dox Mr. Lipman"?

  24. 8:26: His name and residence location were publicized specifically to open him up to cyberbullying and threats from the public. #Doxed

    Council instructed BB to do this. #Cyberbullying

  25. Anonymous3:57 AM

    "Council instructed BB to do this. #Cyberbullying" - Dyer

    Really? You're actually making this accusation?

    I hardly know where to begin in mocking your weapons-grade dumbfuckery.

    1. 3:57: That's probably because you haven't witnessed a Council staff member who doesn't realize Robert Dyer is standing nearby whisper to a councilmember that the article they asked Bethesda Beat to write has just been published on the site.


  26. Anonymous5:36 AM

    "His name and residence location were publicized specifically to open him up to cyberbullying and threats from the public. #Doxed"

    What do you mean by "residence location"? That's a bit of a neologism. I assume that if you had meant "street address" you would have said so explicitly. Did you mean that they mentioned that he lives in Westbard? If so, then you are, by your own standard, guilty of "doxing" every time that you mention that Hans Riemer lives in Takoma Park.

  27. Anonymous7:43 AM

    OMG, that is the world's worst run-on sentence. Should have been at least three separate sentences, and I see about five dangling modifiers. Do you ever proofread what you write before you publish it?

  28. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Dyer @ 7:09 AM - Why didn't you report this at the time you observed it?

  29. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Robert your taco bell video is classic pal!!! You really are Napoleon Dynamte... Quesadilla, the L's are silent pal!!! I swear to god anyone want a good laugh go watch Robert say Quesadilla over and over again.

  30. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Saith Robert Dyer:

    "That's probably because...

    " haven't witnessed a Council staff member...

    "...who doesn't realize Robert Dyer...

    " standing nearby...

    "...whisper to a councilmember...

    "...that the article...

    "...they asked Bethesda Bea

    " write...

    "...has just been published...

    "...on the site."

    And it still doesn't make sense. Incoherent writing indicates a diseased mind.

  31. 4:04: It makes so much sense that you had to reply with that incoherent response. Torched you again, old sport.

  32. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Incoherent response?
    4:04PM is repeating your comment, which, BTW, you have now deemed "incoherent."
