Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Pedestrian shelter removed alongside Cheval Bethesda condo tower

As construction winds down at the Cheval Bethesda ultra-luxury condo tower at the corner of Old Georgetown Road and Fairmont Avenue, the sheltered pedestrian walkway alongside the building on Old Georgetown was removed yesterday. It was one of the few found in Bethesda, and had been open to pedestrians throughout construction.


  1. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Day job keeping him busy.
    What do you think his job is?

    Stocking shelves?
    Scanning and assembling proposals?

  2. Anonymous11:16 AM

    7:05 AM - Barely at that. Not a word on the wonderful Bethesda Arts Festival and the crowds it drew to the area. I guess there was nothing to whine about, so why bother.

  3. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Dyer got scooped on the latest news about the "cemetery", so he's trolling BeeBee right now.

  4. 4:26: No "scoop." Just a committee worksession on the same fake cemetery legislation. That legislation has zero to do with the church or the River Road African-American cemetery, as it would not have prevented the current debacle, will not do anything to solve the Westbard cemetery problem today, and would not prevent such an outrage from occurring in the future.

    So what exactly does this have to do with the Westbard cemetery? Nothing!

    1:52: Hans Riemer had nothing to do with the Arts Festival. Zippo.

    1. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Don’t be jealous of The Councilman: if he didn’t beat you by 46,000 votes you could be working on important county matters like him.

  5. 3:45: Riemer has failed at every "important matter" he's taken on. Why would I be jealous of an inept, bumbling, failed councilman funded by globalist Wall Street crooks and outsourcers-to-China who are traitors to the nation?

  6. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Because he beat you in the election. All the rest is distraction and opinion.

  7. 6:25: You can't "beat" somebody if you steal the election. The cemetery precincts came in strong for Riemer.

  8. Anonymous7:27 AM

    I defy anyone to read say, ten articles you wrote in sequential and think you'd make a good dogcatcher, let alone member of the Council.

  9. Anonymous8:25 AM

    "Riemer has failed at every "important matter" he's taken on. Why would I be jealous of an inept, bumbling, failed councilman funded by globalist Wall Street crooks and outsourcers-to-China who are traitors to the nation?"

    Woah salty much?

    "The cemetery precincts came in strong for Riemer."

    46,000 corpses voted for Riemer? Lol. Evidence please. Even Trump wouldn't believe that.

  10. Anonymous9:05 AM

    "Riemer has failed at every "important matter" he's taken on. Why would I be jealous of an inept, bumbling, failed councilman funded by globalist Wall Street crooks and outsourcers-to-China who are traitors to the nation?"

    Well, he's got a job and you don't. And no, your blog with peanuts for advertising doesn't count, nor does your trust fund.

  11. 8:25: The dead didn't vote, but the illegal immigrants went in to the polling places using their names to vote for Riemer. Facts. It was revealed just a few months ago that there are more names registered to vote in Montgomery County than there are eligible voters! #LockThemUp

    9:05: Actually, there's no evidence Riemer has ever held a real job in his life. Sitting on a dais 6 hours a week for $137,000 isn't a job, it's a crime. Now about the Riemer resume - was he really Obama's youth director in November 2008, or was he terminated before Obama had even secured the Democratic nomination? When will the Washington Post report?

  12. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Well there's no evidence Dyer ever held a real job in his life either, but whatever.

  13. 9:17: There is, and my resume is not overinflated like Riemer's, either. Have a nice day.

  14. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Ok, let's see it then. Facts.

  15. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Continuing to promote the "cemetery" voters bullcrap is just plain silly. It's a complete crock to begin with, even more preposterous that all the zombies would vote only for your nemesis. And there isn't any iota of bona fide evidence that illegal immigrants used the information of the dead to vote. To say there is is a lie, plain and simple.

    The election wasn't "stolen" from you. You didn't appeal to enough voters to get them to vote for you. Period. Anything else is sour grapes.

    This is the reality and no matter how many times you delete it, call me names, or threaten some type of coffee-table assault, it remains the truth.

  16. Anonymous11:18 PM

    @10:31 - The "cemetery" voters exploited by illegal immigrants to vote for Hans Reimer persistent claim by Dyer is decidedly peculiar. It must, even if incredibly untrue, provide some psychic comfort to him in his daily life.

    Dyer writes: "The dead didn't vote, but the illegal immigrants went in to the polling places using their names to vote for Riemer. Facts."

    And the facts? " It was revealed just a few months ago that there are more names registered to vote in Montgomery County than there are eligible voters! #LockThemUp"

    The mismatch between registered voters and those eligible to vote is true for nearly every voting district -- the death rolls, those who have moved rolls, .etc are not easily and immediately reconciled with voter rolls. And to do so would cost a fortune, as the databases are not in any way similar. That is why there are election judges at the polling booths, asking for identification for each person prior to voting. This is a sensible and cost-effective way to handle the issue.

    This "voter fraud" claim by Trump and now Dyer is just an enormous hoax and an enormous waste of time and money to pursue.

    I do hope Bobbie runs for an At-Large Council seat again. It adds a huge dose of comic relief to the Council election hoopla.

  17. 11:18: You've clearly never voted in Montgomery County, because if you had, you would know that no judge "asks for identification" when you vote. They only ask you a couple of basic questions that could easily be answered by a fraudulent voter prepped with your birthdate and address.

    Hence, it is child's play for the illegal voters to vote for Hans Riemer using the names of dead, moved-away, or no-show voters.

    10:31: The combination of media blackout, Washington Post voter suppression (ask Corey Stewart), and voter fraud is more than enough to steal the election for Hans Riemer.

  18. Anonymous4:57 AM

    Oh please.

    The election wasn't "stolen" from you. You didn't appeal to enough voters to get them to vote for you. Period. Anything else is sour grapes...and ridiculous conspiracy claims.
