Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Relocated Community Paint & Hardware store now for lease

The historic Wilson Store, a.k.a. Community Paint & Hardware, is now available for lease to potential retail tenants. Relocated to 4538 Middleton Lane in August, the store is the last remaining 19th century building in downtown Bethesda. It was relocated to make way for Carr Properties' new 7272 Wisconsin Avenue project, which has signed Fox 5 as its first tenant.

How much it will cost you to rent the old store is not disclosed in the listing. Montgomery County planners and Carr believed the store might be of interest to retail tenants, or professionals such as medical doctors and dentists.


  1. Anonymous5:15 AM

    What the county ought to do is buy the old Chevy Chase Bank property on Westlake across from Mont. Mall and place all these structures there then rent them out. There's an awesome 1800's house already on that site. As usual, they are clueless as to what to do. Another idea would be to put these structures (including Bethesda Community Store) up for auction on eBay. You don't think a small town somewhere wouldn't buy one? They sure would. Dumb idea to lease the hardware store as it sits on some small, crappy county parking lot.

  2. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Sure, I'll rent your building which is in a location that nobody can see or knows exists!

  3. 5:15: You've got a good idea there. Similarly, they could place some of these in future "town centers" for a more organic and unique "main street" appearance, among the larger mixed-use buildings. The rents they could charge would be much higher in that case.

  4. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Exactly Robert! These buildings have been designated historic. Fine. Obviously it's ok to move them as-in the hardware store which had moved at least twice. Therefore, they could be sold and possibly moved elsewhere. These buildings sitting vacant to rot is silly. They won't be rented that's for sure. The rent/sale price on Bethesda Community Store is sky high and clearly potential tenants have decided it's just not worth it. And the Westlake site has been vacant since the last bank (Capital?) left.

  5. Anonymous6:36 AM

    This seems like the perfect candidate for a Greenhill/Karr makeover.

  6. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Robert Dyer thinks that we need to build a Bridge To Nowhere just so we all can fly out of Crazytown Airport. LOL

  7. 7:51: You want Montgomery County to continue to be economically-moribund and plagued by traffic congestion because one man had a psychiatric emergency on a road near the airport?

    You can't make this stuff up, folks!

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    There are more development projects underway in downtown Bethesda than any time in recent memory. Yet this blog continues to insist this is a sign of moribundity. You can't make this stuff up, folks!

  9. Anonymous8:37 AM

    "economically-moribund and plagued by traffic congestion"


  10. Barwood Sucks8:39 AM

    I think everyone can agree traffic congestion is a major quality of life issue in the county.

  11. Anonymous8:57 AM

    As usual, folks commenting on this blog are getting far away from the topic. Stick to the issue of renting historic buildings please.

  12. Anonymous10:35 AM

    @8:57 ... What do you think about too much traffic and the parking situation in Bethesda? What about the moribund economy?

  13. Anonymous10:40 AM

    The photo in the advertisement is from their old location. What ever happened to truth in advertising?

  14. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Dyer is literally the only person on planet Earth who wants a new billion-dollar bridge. Thankfully we have sane governors on both sides of the river who are firmly against this stupid project.

  15. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Good catch, 10:40.

  16. Anonymous3:51 PM

    No he's not the only person on Earth who wants another bridge.

  17. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Nobody goes to Montgomery County anymore. There's too much traffic.
