Thursday, December 28, 2017

Starbucks posts Coming Soon signage at Hyatt Regency Bethesda (Photos)

Starbucks has publicly confirmed what I reported months ago - they'll be opening in the renovated plaza level of the Hyatt Regency Bethesda hotel this Spring. Signage just installed announces "something's brewing" at the hotel, which is winding down a total makeover of its property ahead of new competition from Marriott.


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Awesome news!

    Is Starbucks allowed to do any construction during quiet hours if they stay below the sound limit?

  2. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Robert, any idea if this new Starbucks will be a new Starbucks Reserve? I visited one on a recent trip and is was a nice upgrade from a normal version. Nicer seating, more subtle signage, a very large fireplace, warm terra cotta tile accent wall, kind of a mid century modern feel with orange furniture, cool wall graphics, copper colored accents, and many additional premium brewed and cold pour beverage options. I read that Starbucks is rolling out 1000 of these across the world as a step up brand to compliment cities that already have numerous Starbucks, like Bethesda. It would be nice to have a “flagship” Starbucks at this critical central location in downtown. Perhaps an opportunity for you to get a great scoop if this is true.

    By they way, Happy Holidays!

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Why would any hyperlocal Bethesda resident care about a hotel coffee bar, when there are much more ambience-y Starbucks within the local walkshed? My favorite is the one opposite Veterans Park and right below the offices of Bethesda Magazine.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    Big news on the property tax prepayment issue. You'll hear about it on Bethesda's site of record.

    1. 6:56: The "big news" is that the Council made monkeys out of people who read "Bethesda's site of record" which told them to run to the County office building to pay their taxes early, only to now figure out they can't. People who read my site were able to enjoy their vacation in their warm homes, adding another marshmallow to their hot chocolate. It pays to read Robert Dyer @ Bethesda Row to avoid #FakeNews like "prepay your taxes! Hurry!" LOL!

      [sound of grand piano landing on County Council & their friends in the media]


    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I think you misunderstand what news and fake news mean. It certainly was news that the county offered a prepayment option at the last hour, as was the suggestion to go do it by many tax professionals including my firm on the chance that it may work out since the IRS has not yet released guidelines, which they since have. It’s unfortunate it did not work out, but it was worth the shot.

    3. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Not reporting the news doesn’t make you “right” since the IRS guidelines just happened to negate the much wanted and much appreciate effort by the county. And other counties that allowed it.

      And back on topic as you say, can you answer if construction can occur at this Starbucks during quiet hours if they stay below the noise limit?

  5. Anonymous8:33 AM

    By Robert Dyer's definition of "noise", simply dining at Starbucks would create a violation.

  6. 8:01AM - Well said.

  7. Anonymous9:42 AM

    So much fake news on the tax issue. of course you can't pay now and get a deduction before receiving a tax bill in the mail.

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Of course? 9:42, did you know that before the IRS clarified their guidelines?

      And how is that “fake news” in any sense of the phrase?

  8. Anonymous12:17 PM

    10:25 AM It's just too much money at stake to be reckless about things you know nothing about. Folks who live in the county know we don't receive real estate tax bills until later in 2018. You cannot receive a deduction before you receive a bill.

    Everyone calm down- the sky is not falling.

  9. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Here in total was Dyer's advice as to pre-paying taxes: "It remains uncertain if all or any taxpayers who pay more than $10,000 in property taxes will be ultimately be able to prepay and/or save money."

    From this bold statement of non-fake news, one was supposed to sit back and add marshmallows to a hot chocolate.

    One is supposed to view the Council as fools for their effort to create a pre-pay window for local property taxes.

    I cannot imagine how Dyer could be more ridiculous, biased, wrong or offensive in presenting to the readers of this Blog his view of the matter.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      1:46 pm if you want to turn your brain off and receive unfiltered slanted "news" direct from your favorite councilman, you have plenty of other sites to satisfy your needs.

  10. Anonymous5:45 PM

    "Tax reform" takes effect - January 1

    GOP-controlled Congress finalizes "tax reform" bill - December 20

    Trump signs bill - December 22

    IRS "clarifies guidelines" on prepayment - December 27

    And this is all somehow the MoCo Council's fault?

  11. 1:46: It appears the County Council was in over their heads on this one. Many sensible observers have noted that, through this prepay fiasco, the Council accidentally revealed how little they know about how many people are paying high taxes in the County, despite setting those rates themselves.

    The Council also failed to seek expert advice, including direction from the IRS, before acting. Using their controlled media, they then prompted hundreds of people (in a County of 1 million, a laughable mobilization) to stand out in the cold. This may have been a financially dangerous mistake for at least some of those people, and it may turn out no one will actually save any money.

    Finally, it's quite humorous to observe Montgomery County's "progressives" frantically trying to claw back what they often describe to us as precious funds for our "soldiers, teachers, police officers, firefighters, and the poor," for themselves. Apparently, when the rubber meets the road, Montgomery's "progressives" actually believe the money they earn belongs to them, and not to Government. Perhaps there's hope for our future yet, if they apply their tax revolt to the County Council ballot choices in November 2018!

  12. So many examples of wrong in that comment @ 4:26.

    Suffice to say that near every US jurisdiction with high state, local and property taxes were doing the exact same jumping thru hoops as Montgomery County officials.

    Why wouldn't someone want to take advantage of a legitimate tax reduction strategy?

    And that's just for individuals.
    Shall we discuss all the hoops that are being jumped on the business side?
    Clients are already asking how to exploit the changes.

  13. 5:33: Montgomery County voters wanting to pay less in taxes is always good news for election challengers in 2018, whether you're Bill Frick or Robin Ficker. But the intriguing part is that no one will be able to criticize those seeking tax cuts in the County, as they've already revealed they want to pay less in taxes themselves when no one is looking. And to think they're "stealing" that money from our dear soldiers, teachers, police, fire and "the poor!" Oh, the humanity!!!

    "If it's what you say, I love it." - Donald Trump, Jr.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      11:06am you should create an account here with your photo, just so that other readers can see how dumb you look

  14. Just going to mention that the new Federal tax law will cause more people in this area to pay MORE in US taxes AND have a higher "taxable income" that will carry to their Maryland tax return and may result in higher state taxes too.

  15. You know, if the Council thinks MoCo residents have too much of a tax burden, much of that is their own doing.

    Our council said nothing for years while they increased fees and taxes. Now, in an election year where several of these men want promotions, they say we are overtaxed?

    Lol. This would be funny if they weren't playing games with our money. And we have a revenue short fall.
