Saturday, January 27, 2018

Brookstone to close at Westfield Montgomery Mall

Gift shops as a category have been hit hard at Westfield Montgomery Mall in the last year. The latest to close will be Brookstone. Their last day at the mall will be January 30, according to a store employee. They are currently holding a 70% off sale, with "nothing held back." Take note that all sales are final.

I could not find any reports of mass Brookstone store closures planned for this year, but I see one of their stores in Charlotte, North Carolina will close at the same time as the Bethesda location.


  1. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Another one bites the dust as they say. Over priced gadgets that no one really needs.

  2. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Question for #DodgingDyer:

    Why are comments not enabled for the post titled “Tower Cos.' Brian Abramson joins Bethesda's Sandy Spring Builders”?

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Question for #DeletingDyer:

    Why are comments not enabled for the post titled “Tower Cos.' Brian Abramson joins Bethesda's Sandy Spring Builders”?

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    6:29: Your compulsive posting of the same bizarre comment suggests you are suffering from mental illness.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Does that mean if Dyer says moribund or something about Hans more than once it’s compulsive and suggestive of a mental illness as well?

  5. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Or, overpriced gadgets are just as easily purchased online.

  6. Such a mall staple. Our city and mall are changing rapidly!

  7. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Brookstone is also closing stores in Pittsburgh, Rochester, Syracuse, and Santa Barbara.

  8. Mr. Gotham3:17 PM

    I've counted 18 around the country that are closing since the start of the year.

  9. Horrible service on gadgets that break a day after the warranty expires. Overpriced to boot and you have a closure recipe.
