Saturday, January 27, 2018

L'Academie de Cuisine available for lease in Bethesda

The recently-shuttered L'Academie de Cuisine is now available for lease. Located at 5021 Wilson Lane in downtown Bethesda, this was the local campus of the renowned Gaithersburg culinary school. Call "Ralph" for details on leasing. Meanwhile, here's one last look for nostalgia purposes:


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Worth digging deeper: They haven't refunded anybody for unused gift certificates or several months worth of pre-booked classes (and they accepted bookings up through a week before they closed).

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    @7:43 Of course they haven't refunded them -- they went bankrupt! Typically in a liquidation, employees salaries take the top of the list in paying people off, then creditors, and students and gift certificates would be at the very last of the list. They probably won't have any remaining $$ left at that point.

  3. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Right. There isn't any money left probably already. I gave my wife a $100 gift card. And, gone. Never saw that coming

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Why are comments not enabled for the post titled “Tower Cos.' Brian Abramson joins Bethesda's Sandy Spring Builders”? Why do you refuse to answer this question?
