Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Pubic meeting to be held on Edgemont II development in downtown Bethesda

Developer Equity Residential will hold a required public meeting on its revised plan for the Edgemont at Bethesda II apartment tower on February 6, 2018, at 7:00 PM at the Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center at 4805 Edgemoor Lane in Bethesda. The proposed 150' tall high-rise would be at the northwest corner of the intersection of Edgemoor with Woodmont Avenue.

The new plan proposes 160 units, down from the 175 units proposed at a community meeting last June. At that time, no street-level retail was proposed, along a lonely stretch of Woodmont Avenue that currently offers a poor pedestrian walking experience after dark. Some questioned why the developer would not follow standard new urbanist principles and include retail. The developer said the narrow width of the proposed building made retail space impractical for the project.


  1. MoCo should require retail

  2. Anonymous3:34 PM

    More half full high rises making the area look crappy. Way to go Council

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    @1:59PM: The developer is right -- the lot is too narrow for retail. It's infill development amid existing high rises. That bleak stretch of Woodmont is destined to be a bleak stretch because planners didn't require retail when they approved projects on bigger lots. The county missed a big opportunity to link Bethesda Row with the Triangle because its leaders are too eager to cave to developers' demands.

  4. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Question for #DodgingDyer:

    Why are comments not enabled for the post titled “Tower Cos.' Brian Abramson joins Bethesda's Sandy Spring Builders”?
