Monday, February 12, 2018

Purple Line construction update (Video+Photos)

Purple Line construction work on the plaza outside the Landmark Bethesda Row Cinema will commence this Thursday, February 15, 2018, according to Purple Line Transit Partners. As a result, the area will be fenced off during construction. Office trailers will be among the objects placed on the plaza.

Meanwhile, work continues along the Capital Crescent Trail east of downtown Bethesda, and in the Chevy Chase Lake and Rock Creek Park area. "Clearing and grubbing" (a.k.a. clearcutting forested parkland along the Purple Line route) are the major focus of operations right now, as you can see by the many tree trunks littering the ground.


  1. Anonymous7:48 AM

    How come you never report on Chevy Chase Lake? It's much closer to "Bethesda Row" than Westbard. Or Montgomery Mall. Or Pike & Rose.

    I note there is a nice new apartment building being built behind the BF Saul Building, visible in Image 7/13. Hopefully Chevy Chase Supermarket will return when construction of the new development is complete there.

  2. 7:48: I have reported many, many times on Chevy Chase Lake, and I will be posting an update on the building you referred to very soon, as well. I had the breaking news about the Chevy Chase Land Co. shuttle, the Giant gas station, several developments on both sides of Connecticut Avenue, etc.

  3. Anonymous8:08 AM



    I note that you don't even have a tag for Chevy Chase Lake.

  4. BS. I've reported on it more than any other local media outlet. I do indeed have a Chevy Chase Lake tag.

  5. Anonymous8:45 AM

    "I do indeed have a Chevy Chase Lake tag."

    So why didn't you tag this article?

  6. Anonymous9:12 AM


  7. Anonymous9:13 AM

    This is Hans Reimer and Dyer I will get you some new Velcro shoes, make life a little easier old sport!!!

  8. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Any updates on extending this to Westbard, ideally by running the trains directly over the alleged "cemetery" that was sold off in the 1950s?

  9. Anonymous2:51 PM

    It's funny that Dyer doesn't post a map showing the reputed location of that cemetery with every article that he publishes on that subject. It would help his case enormously. Just like if he published the table from, with every article on the Moribund Collection at Chevy Chase. But unfortunately for Dyer he's kinda stupid, and too vain to admit that he's kinda stupid.

  10. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I want to thank Dyer for his work in keeping us informed.

    Dear "anonymous" - Please be civil!
