Thursday, April 19, 2018

Kenwood gang-tag graffiti covered over (Photos)

Apparently the damage to the Kenwood sign from this week's gang-tag-style graffiti attack was too severe for a simple powerwash, as some had suggested would be sufficient. Instead, the defacing has been covered over with paint. The sign is just a mess right now. No public statement has been released by Montgomery County police yet on the investigation of this incident, and whether or not it was actually gang-related.


  1. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Will BUP paint over the tagged power transformer on Battery and any of the other locations with graffiti?

  2. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Will BUP paint over the tagged power transformer on Battery and any of the other locations with graffiti?

  3. Anonymous5:18 AM




  4. Anonymous5:22 AM

    You can't "powerwash" paint that's on top of paint, Dummy.

  5. Anonymous5:35 AM

    MoCoPoPo ain't got time to deal with Kenwood's sign, Bobby. Wouldn't hold my breath for that investigation. Reality's a bear.

  6. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Dyer, can you figure out why the median and BUP "Welcome to Bethesda" sign in Bethesda has been all torn up? At the intersection of Woodmont Ave and Wiscosnin Ave.

  7. Boyce Bowles7:02 AM

    5:23am is a perfect example of how hyperpartisanism produces lies. A guy skims Dyer's reporting on this graffiti and then posts a blatant lie.

  8. Oh for heavens sake. It was a hypothetical comment.

    Lighten up, Mrs. Bowles. The only one posting blatant lies is you, madam.

    See, we can ALL play the "I refuse to accept your gender" game.

  9. Roald8:22 AM

    @ 5:23 AM -

    Every morning I wake up, and Robert Dyer is MAKING the news, then reporting it!

  10. janna9:12 AM

    Wondering why some of you come here as it appears you just to rag on the blogger. You people crack me up.

  11. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Isn't it ironic that "Roald" just happens to also live in the vicinity of the Kenwood sign?

    1. You got me. I admit, I don't live in Frederick!

  12. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Overgrown bushes, weeds galore...Kenwood has more problems than just a defaced sign. Looks like the County needs to take over that blighted neighborhood.

  13. 9:12 Why would you wonder that?

  14. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I agree with Janna 100%!

  15. Anonymous10:40 AM

    "whether or not it was actually gang-related."

    lol, one of the tags was literally in cursive.

  16. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I'm moving out because of this. I was going to sell my house but could not in good conscience allow anyone else to move into this neighborhood, which is now clearly very dangerous in light of this horrible incident. I will probably move to Virginia, having read all of the great things about it on this blog.

  17. Anonymous6:46 PM

    "lol, one of the tags was literally in cursive."

    Nearly perfect Palmer Method! Sister Mary Elephant is smiling up in Heaven.
