Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Bethesda Court Hotel demolition update (Video+Photos)

The second stage of demolition of the Bethesda Court Hotel began yesterday on Woodmont and Wisconsin Avenues in downtown Bethesda. Exposed hotel rooms that have been rotting away in the open for months are finally being knocked to the ground. The pile of rubble resembles the moribund Montgomery County economy, at the hands of our corrupt and inept County Council. While the Council had to give away the store simply to get Marriott to slide its deck chair on the Titanic from Rock Spring down to this site, Northern Virginia is in boom times, winning all of the new corporate headquarters - and keeping the ones they've got. Heckuva job, Brownie!


  1. You go by "Bob?"

  2. I asked you once, on this blog, what name you went by, what you preferred to be called...Robert, Rob, Bob or something else.

    A minion went off on me about wanting personal info and stalking and did I ask every journalist for the same personal info....blah, blah, blah

    Guess I finally got an answer...2 years in the making.

  3. Anonymous6:14 AM

    I sincerely don't understand why you live here if you spend your days trying to twist every positive into a negative. It must be exhausting to be so unhappy all the time.

  4. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Major demolition has also started on the Blackwell Building, corner of Norfolk and Wisconsin.

  5. 6:14AM -You see negativity because you seek out negativity. That, my dear, must be an incredibly sad way for you live.

    Dear Optimist, Pessimist and Realist. While you guys were arguing about the glass of water. I drank it. - The Opportunist

  6. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Bob, you may not know this but Marriott is currently the largest, most successful hotelier in the world. Their moving to downtown Bethesda is hardly Titanic chair rearranging.

    Anna, you're creepy.

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I don't usually like to comment on the articles posted here because I enjoy the information and filter out much of Robert's political "commentary." But honestly, this post is insane. You are blogging about the creation of a massive headquarters for the largest hotel chain in the world right in the middle of downtown Bethesda (where there are so many cranes these days it's sort of amazing) and you use this as a dig at the county? Like, that really makes no sense.

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Anna @ 6:34 AM - I thought @ 6:14 AM was talking to Dyer.

  9. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "...pays to to..." S/B "...pays you to..."

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Will Dyer report on Governor Hogan's attendance at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Marriott headquarters?

  11. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Yes, it was directed at Robert. Apology accepted.

  12. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I hope someone archived all those deleted comments.

  13. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Mr. Dyer, could you please tell us how you would have prevented Bethesda from poaching the Marriott headquarters from the Rockledge District, if you had been on the MoCo Council?

  14. 9:05: You do realize the "Rockledge District" is in Bethesda? Secondly, moving a company from one part of Bethesda to another is not a net gain of anything. It's just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  15. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Dyer is the jobs candidate.

  16. Anonymous7:30 AM

    The guy who has never held a job in his life is "the jobs candidate"?

    You're a barrel of laughs, #Dyer'sLittleHelper.

    1. Anonymous9:23 AM

      7:30am why the hate towards local independent news operators like Dyer?

  17. Anonymous5:53 AM

    9:12 PM, Exactly, no net gain. Bullet Vote Bob! (5:22 AM)

  18. As I said previously...which mysteriously disappears...

    6:51: ooops, you may be right. I was wrong, 6:14 and I apologize for directing the snark at you.
