Wednesday, August 08, 2018

Hogan to help Carr Properties break ground at 7272 Wisconsin tomorrow

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan has announced he will be in downtown Bethesda for the groundbreaking of Carr Properties' 7272 Wisconsin project tomorrow morning, August 9, at 10:00 AM. Carr recently revealed the two towers at the development will be named The Wilson (office tower) and The Elm (residential tower).
“We are honored to have Governor Hogan joining us to mark this monumental milestone," Carr Properties CEO Oliver Carr III said in a statement. "Our development team at Carr Properties, along with our construction partner Clark Construction, are thrilled to have the opportunity to play an integral role in the future of Bethesda.”


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    I like Hogan, and I voted for him and will vote for him again. In other words, I'm a fan. But do you really need 4 photos of him? One would be sufficient.

  2. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Robert, the general election is just 90 days away.

    Have you done any campaigning outside of the pages of your own blog?

    Have you picked up any endorsements?

    How much donations has your campaign received?

    Have you properly reported all self-funding of your campaign activities?

  3. С нетерпением жду этого!

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Yes, why in the world would you waste bandwidth and include exrta wallet sized photos of Hogan? You need to edit yourself Robert, and listen to all of your readers. This is repeatitve photo posting is simply nonsense. Take a minute and think before you post an article. You know, like a journalist.

    You did not mention if the ground breaking is open to the public. I noted today that they are actually staritng to form the side walls of the future Purple Line tunnel closest to Woodmont. Big progress indeed.

  5. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I'm SHOCKED the governor has the time to visit a moribund community. I guess because it's August and a slow month in politics huh?

  6. I love what Dyer is doing for MoCo and what Hogan is doing for Maryland!

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    August is the MORIBUNDEST month of the year!

  8. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Robert, did you buy your Tiki Torch yet?

  9. Anonymous2:48 PM

    A kaleidoscope of Hogan!

  10. Anonymous5:58 PM

    "The Republican National Committee’s link to the Maryland Republican Party’s Twitter account actually takes users to the page of Sexy Car Babes, a mix-up that occurred after the state party changed the name of its twitter handle and didn’t tell the national group."



  11. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Hogan is the exact opposite type of Republican of Dyer.

    We need more level-headed, compromising, pro-business pols like him in the GOP instead of the hate-filled, fakenews-spreading, race-baiting trolls like Dyer and Trump.

    1. "level-headed, compromising, pro-business"
      That's the exact opposite of our current leadership of the Council, including Mr. Riemer. Hans Riemer was arrested by police and is not level headed at all. Certainly not pro business or open to compromise.

    2. Anonymous9:26 AM

      "Arrested by police" sounds kinda redundant. And slightly retarded.

  12. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Clark construction will find a way to mess this up.

  13. Fairmont Plaza5:10 PM

    "Elm" said: "Hans Riemer was arrested by police"

    Isn't it funny how all versions of #Dyer'sLittleHelper say the exact same idiotic things?

  14. 5:10: What's more "idiotic" than getting arrested 24 hours after being named President of the County Council? Did you ever find out what his jail nickname was?


  15. Like I've said before and you insist on deleting--for some bizarro reason known only to you

    Being arrested for peace-fully protesting something that harms his constituents is actually a plus, not a negative. It IS the 21st century and all.

    I'm sure if you ever got arrested for, let's say, peace-fully protesting the cemetery issue, you'd proudly wear it like a badge.

    8:06 AM
