Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Restaurant equipment company wants its stuff back from Kapnos Kouzina

While the Washington City Paper has recently reported on efforts by former Mike Isabella partner George Pagonis to revive the shuttered Kapnos Kouzina at Bethesda Row under another name, one company is trying to keep its property inside the darkened space from being stolen or trashed. East Coast Food Equipment has slapped a notice on the front of Kapnos declaring that equipment it owns remains inside the locked restaurant.


  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Actually The Washingtonian reported on this before The City Paper did.

  2. Anonymous9:32 AM

    9:16 AM How's Frederick at night?

  3. 9:32AM What a weird obscure question. Are you planning on moving there?

  4. Anonymous3:05 PM

    10:59 AM There was a blogger (at BethesdaNOW) that trespassed in bethesda apartment buildings, but not Dyer!

  5. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Poor Dyer, still holds a "litany of grievances" against Bethesda Now.

  6. Anonymous3:17 PM

    3:12 PM One of the least paid employees in MoCo government, attacks Dyer about pay.
    Better than breaking into apartments I guess!

  7. Anonymous4:51 AM

    For the love of God.....get off the attacks on Dyer.

    I enjoy reading his news, its time to get a life and leave this poor guy alone.
