Thursday, February 14, 2019

Pepco working in Woodmont Triangle (Photos)

A Pepco crew was out working last night on Cordell and Woodmont Avenues, near what the Montgomery County Council has described as the "apartment building for homeless people" at the northeast corner of that intersection. Lane and sidewalk closures were part of the work.


  1. Anonymous6:11 AM

    "A Pepco crew was out working last night on Cordell and Woodmont Avenues, near what the Montgomery County Council has described as the 'apartment building for homeless people' at the northeast corner of that intersection."

    Not sure why you feel the need to mention that building in relation to construction on that block, as opposed to, say, the Capital One branch on the northwest corner, the long-closed Dunmor's beer and wine store on the southeast corner, or the Sala Thai restaurant on the southwest corner. Those three buildings are much better known to people who actually live in Bethesda.

    Also, that facility has a name, and it's not a "homeless shelter". Also not sure why you feel the need to mention the County Council, either.

    "Lane and sidewalk closures were part of the work."

    Not that either matters at 3 AM.

  2. Anonymous6:48 AM


  3. Anonymous7:02 AM

    6:11 AM If you were actually in Bethesda, you'd know this work was underway very early in the evening at the latest, like 7pm. Guess 7 is past your bedtime?

    "I can see Bethesda from my porch in Arlington"

  4. Anonymous7:07 AM

    "This work was underway very early in the evening at the latest, like 7pm."

    What "work"?
