Sunday, May 05, 2019

Casa Oaxaca to host soft opening Cinco de Mayo event today in Bethesda

Full menu grand opening
scheduled for May 10

What better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo than with an early preview of Bethesda's newest Mexican restaurant? Casa Oaxaca, located at 4905 Fairmont Avenue, will host a soft opening preview event for the Mexican holiday today. They will be selling tacos and margaritas only today, May 5, 2019.

The official opening with full menu (see pictures here) is currently scheduled for May 10. Casa Oaxaca's space was previously home to TacoArepa and Fresh Grill.


  1. Anonymous6:28 AM

    I hate the way restaurants nearly always list the price of their menu items one penny less that a whole dollar amount. Do they think people are that stupid to realize the $11.99 is only one penny less than a clean and simple $12

    I know people say it’s based on a psychological spending threshold, but I prefer the simplicity and honesty of a nice round dollar amount. Elegant, simple and direct, like I expect their food to taste. Don’t fool around with this .99 crap. Think of all the printer ink they would save, and could spend on better ingredients...

  2. Anonymous7:48 AM

    It's so weird what gets deleted and what doesn't.
