Sunday, May 05, 2019

Bethesda construction update: 4747 Bethesda Avenue (Photos)

Here are some recent photos from the construction site of JBG Smith's 4747 Bethesda Avenue Class A office building. The build-out of the ground floor is pretty far along now, including some booth-style seating already in place.


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    When will we get the sidewalk back in front of that building? Last time I drove by, they were just using it as parking for the workers.

  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Hey, the booth seating is in the new bank at 4749 Bethesda, not at 4747 Bethesda. Why won’t you correct your post? And admit that your were simply mistaken.

  3. 7:45: The two buildings are part of the same development, dumbass. Ask anyone at JBG Smith.

  4. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "Hello, JBG Smith, how may I help you?"

    "I have a question about one of your projects here in Bethesda. Are 4747 Bethesda Avenue and 4749 Bethesda Avenue part of the same development, dumbass?"


  5. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Yes, the upper level of the two story building is indeed connected, and part of the office development.

    But as you have previously reported, the bank (and vacant retail space to the north) is a separate development, with a separate building address, with separate entrances and exits, and is located at 4749 Bethesda, as you can clearly see by the large 4749 numbers on the building. Look up the address of the new JP Morgan Chase Bank in Bethesda (the one with the new booth seating) and you will see the address is 4749 Bethesda. Ask anyone who delivers mail, or the police, or the fire department who respond to calls from a specific street address.

    Please get your facts correct, or at least acknowledge when you have made an honest mistake. The new booth seating is not located in the 4747 Bethesda building as you have reported. You made it sound like the office building lobby already has furniture installed.

  6. Anonymous5:56 PM

    4749 was built as a separate two story market building. Later, 4747 was built as an adjacent 15 story office building that sits partially on the roof of 4749. Once JBG Smith decided to occupy the 4747 building as their new HQ, they apparently decided to just lease the ground floor of 4749 as retail (and a bank) and incorporate the second floor of 4749 into office space connected to 4747. I believe that JBG Smith are going to occupy levels 2-5 of the building, and have cut additional communicating atriums to unite their new offices with connected spaces. They even extended a portion of the third level into the tall second level of the formerly planned market building. The roof of the 4749 building will likely include private rooftop terrace space adjacent to their offices and boardroom at the corner, overlooking the future Capital Crescent Civic Green.

    Since the new bank and adjacent retail space only have exterior entrances that are not connected to the office tower, it looks like the fire department required them to have a separate address, hence 4749 Bethesda.

    My only argument with Robert here is that he claimed that booth seating is already installed in the lobby of the office building, when in fact it’s just part of the bank. Yes, of course this is a small point, but I don’t appreciate being called a dumbass, when he is clearly incorrect.

  7. 5:56/2:50: Nowhere in my article does it say that the booth seating is "in the lobby."

    I understand your frustration with all of the big scoops I've had in the last week alone.

    2:50: I am master and commander of the 4747/4749 address distinction - I've had separate tags for each for years, and have reported on both from start to finish, while your guys were crawling around looking for their heads. It's the height of absurdity to try to lecture me on the street addresses.

  8. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Behold! Robert Dyer has proclaimed he is master and commander!
