Monday, May 06, 2019

MoCo Planning Board to discuss 6-month pilot allowing ebikes/scooters on trails

The Montgomery County Planning Board will discuss a proposed six-month pilot program that would allow e-bikes and electric scooters to operate on some County trails at their meeting this Thursday, May 9, 2019. Montgomery County is still working out an agreement with four dockless e-bike companies for the pilot. If approved by the board, the pilot could begin as early as this month.

Only bikes powered by rechargeable battery will be allowed on the trails during the pilot. The trails selected are the Matthew Henson Trail (Aspen Hill/Silver Spring), Sligo Creek Trail (only the Montgomery County section), Long Branch Trail, Rock Creek Trail, and the paved sections of the Northwest Branch Trail within Montgomery County. Signs will be posted at the selected trails, and public announcements will be made by County government agencies, at least two weeks prior to the start of the program, County officials say.
Paved surface trails where e-bikes
and e-scooters could be used during
the six-month pilot program
Planning staff says that the trails selected are more often used for longer distance trips through stream valleys. The Parks Department wants to evaluate the results and user feedback before allowing the electric bikes on busier trails like the Capital Crescent Trail in Bethesda. They'll be examining conflicts with other trail users, rules violations, safety, logistics, and personal vs. commercial use.

Gas scooters and electric hoverboards and skateboards will remain illegal on all County trails during the pilot. Bikes cannot have throttle assist mechanisms.

The groundwork for the pilot was laid by a related park directive approved two years ago by the board. Staff are recommending approval of the pilot program.


  1. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I had no idea you couldn't already use an E-Bike. They are quiet, and not rockets. Class A bikers on the trails are more dangerous.

  2. Bad idea. Walking is hard enough on the Sligo path due to reckless bicyclists who don't announce themselves. And how is riding motorized conveyances a form of exercise?

  3. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Nooooo! The delivery guys use these electric bikes and go 60 mph without paying attention to any rules. The whole path will be a chinese Mexican delivery nightmare
