Saturday, August 24, 2019

Dream Aero flight simulator construction update - Montgomery Mall

Dream Aero is a highly-realistic flight simulator coming to Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda, on a third level above the Dining Terrace. Construction is now underway, and I have confirmed the type of Boeing 737 that will be simulated - it is the Boeing 737 NG ("next generation"). The NG has been in the skies since 1997, according to Boeing, and the Dream Aero simulator uses the latest cockpit controls and switches one would find in the real plane today. Dream Aero will open in 2020.


  1. 9:29 AM 2/22/2020

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Robert always has his hand on his hat, ready to remove it in the presence of a lady, or merely to tip it as a sign of respect to a fellow traveler.

  3. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Dyer calls people "dumbass", "moron", "idiot", "low-IQ", "IQ lower than your belt size", yet he goes all politically-correct and huffy when people call him "retard" or "Aspie".

  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    5:36: Can't wait to see elite-schooled Dyer and Brett Kavanaugh drag you kicking and screaming back to the 1950s, Soy Boy!!!!!

  5. 11:31AM "Fellow Traveler"...hahaha

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Dyer will be training in the simulator so he'll be able to pilot the Boeing Max 8. Ha, ha!!!!!
