Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bethesda construction update: Avocet Tower (Video+Photos)

Here's a look at the progress on StonebridgeCarras' Avocet Tower development, located at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and Montgomery Avenue in downtown Bethesda. This is the former site of the 2nd District Montgomery County police station. From the aerial vantage point, you can see how much these few blocks near the Bethesda Metro station are going to change in the next four years, with new buildings also planned for the blocks north of the 7272 Wisconsin project.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    "Here's a look at the progress on StonebridgeCarras' Avocet Tower can see how much these few blocks near the Bethesda Metro station are going to change in the next four years, with new buildings also planned for the blocks north of the 7272 Wisconsin project."

    Oh, the unbearable moribundity.

  2. 7:33: It is pretty unbearable, considering this building - like The Wilson in the background, and all other office buildings in Montgomery County for over two decades - hasn't attracted a new major corporate HQ. Not what these developers had in mind at the conception of these projects.

    Residential development has been a bust in that the cost of services they require far exceeds the revenue they generate for the County.

    Damn, son, you just got destroyed.

    1. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Ha! I’d like to see you behave like this in a real debate. Love to see you threaten to body slam some through a table. Then have that person call you on it and see you wimp out.

  3. Anonymous7:42 AM

    JBG, formerly in Virginia.

    Starwood, formerly in Connecticut.

  4. 7:42: Absolutely false - JBG was already here in Chevy Chase, and Starwood was acquired; they didn't move a headquarters here.

    You seem to know very little about the subject, and just got reckd again.

  5. Dyer is tougher than the rest.

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Tough boy in a Burger King hat and Star Wars wall paper

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    10:21AM There is a MyMCMedia debate available online. Please view it.

    Spoiler Alert: Hans Reamer pees his pants at the end. (Seriously. Nothing against the man, I mean he's incompetent, but even I felt bad for him.)

    Obviously Reamer didn't want to debate in the last cycle. And he had a willing legacy media that never asked why there were zero debates. ("But, hey, what about the councilman's colorful socks?" - - Actual quote from legacy media reporter.)

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    11:51 AM Dyer, I believe, stood ready to debate last cycle. Showed up to events.

    Yet, all debates were canceled. Usually that would be a big story in the local legacy media.

    Dyer's trolls are always tough behind their keyboards and pussycats in person. Always claiming to be watching Dyer at public meetings and

  8. Anonymous1:34 PM

    1:29 PM All I can say is watch the debate video.

  9. Anonymous3:22 PM

    "JBG was already here in Chevy Chase, and Starwood was acquired; they didn't move a headquarters here."

    JBG acquired the Charles E. Smith division of Vornado, which was headquartered in Arlington.

    Starwood's headquarters were in Connecticut.

    Why don't acquisitions count, according to your "logic"?

  10. 3:22: Because acquisitions are NOT headquarters moving, Einstein. A firm is acquired, and their CEO does not become the CEO of the company that acquired them.

    You're still lying about Vornado, which is in New York, and stayed in New York while getting 40% of the new JBG Smith company.

    10:21: The proof is that the Council is too chicken to debate me anymore, after I destroyed them in every debate in 2010 and 2014.

  11. Anonymous10:13 PM

    "You're still lying about Vornado, which is in New York, and stayed in New York while getting 40% of the new JBG Smith company."

    You still don't understand how a spinoff works.

    Vornado does not own "40% of JBG Smith".

  12. 10:13: Vornado, in New York still, got 40% of the JBG Smith company out of the Charles Smith deal. They never have, and never will, move to Bethesda.

    10:11: It's all on video. Bodyslam after bodyslam, wiped the floor with them repeatedly. Won every debate. To the point that, in 2018, the Council refused to debate me, and pressured civic groups to cancel their debates - including GOCA, Montgomery Women, Shady Grove and Chevy Chase/CCCFH.

    Damn, son, you just got destroyed - just like my opponents did in the 2010 and 2014 debates!

  13. Anonymous5:35 AM

    "Vornado, in New York still, got 40% of the JBG Smith company out of the Charles Smith deal"

    No, that's not what happened at all. You don't seem to understand the difference between companies and shareholders.

  14. 5:35: Shareholders are the company, Louis Rukeyser. He who owns a controlling share, controls the company. The fact is, Vornado got 40% in the Charles Smith deal.

  15. Anonymous6:33 AM

    "Damn, son, you just got destroyed - just like my opponents did in the 2010 and 2014 debates!"

    Keep comforting yourself with this sad little fantasy of yours.

    Hans Riemer 262,682 18.3%
    Robert Dyer 87,971 6.1%
    Difference 174,711

    Riemer, Hans 132,818 15.20%
    Dyer, Robert 75,404 8.63%
    Difference 57,414

    Riemer, Hans 166,130 16.08%
    Dyer, Robert 82,773 8.01%
    Difference 83,357



  16. Anonymous6:35 AM

    "The fact is, Vornado got 40% in the Charles Smith deal."

    Nope. Vornado SHAREHOLDERS at the time got 40% of the stock in JBG Smith. JBG Smith (which now owns Charles E. Smith) and Vornado are completely separate companies.

  17. 6:33: A corrupted, fradulent election is no measure of anything but corruption.

    You can see in those numbers how 100,000 additional Riemer voters mysteriously entered the voter universe in a span of only 4 years. Mathematically impossible.

    Then you look at the MoCo voter rolls, which list more registered names than there are actual eligible voters in Montgomery County. Oops!

    Then you look at the voting results by precinct, and you find dozens of anomalous precinct results, as I've discussed before.

    And all of that is before you even get to the matters of the Washington Post and other local media colluding with the political cartel to not write a single sentence about my campaign, nor about the County Council At-Large general election race. Or the Democrats' refusal to debate in 2018, and the pressure and threats they used to get civic associations and nonprofits to cancel their usual candidate forums.

    Damn, son, you just got destroyed for the third time this morning!

  18. 7:03: I just outlined the evidence for you, Matlock.

    "Outdated voter databases" that haven't been cleaned up are a key tool in voter fraud, along with the other clear evidence I listed.

    Just because no one is investigating the voter fraud doesn't mean there is no voter fraud.

    100,000 new Democrat voters in only 4 years? I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you, Boy Friday.

  19. Anonymous7:32 AM

    "100,000 new Democrat voters in only 4 years?"

    Blame Trump for that. Voter participation nationwide was at a record for midterm elections. The Democrats flipped 40 seats in the House of Representatives.

    "I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you, Boy Friday."

    Do you realize how silly you sound when you mix and match random trite phrases?

  20. Anonymous7:55 AM

    7:17 AM - !Except! People ARE investigating if there was voter fraud. Trying to de-legitimize election results is an awfully dangerous route to take. Could be those "cemetery precincts" voted for YOU.

  21. 7:32: Blame Trump? Did he sprout 100,000 new Democrats out of his head like Zeus? You had 100,000 more voters in the voter universe in only 4 years' time. "You've got some explaining to do."

    7:55: No one is investigating the voter fraud other than me and Tom Fitton. The cemetery precincts came in strong for Glass, Albornoz, Riemer and Jawando, that's for sure! The numbers prove it.

  22. Anonymous4:33 AM

    And Dyer's narcissism keeps him convinced that all he does is perfect.
    His character defect is incurable and unmanageable.

    Gramps, you ain't all that.

  23. 4:33: Someone the same age or far older than me calling me "Gramps" - hysterical.

  24. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Good you can laugh at the truth, old man.

  25. 5:19: It is the truth, old man.

  26. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Yea it is, Gramps. Being old bothers only one of us and its not me.

  27. 6:35: It has to be you, because I'm not an old man. Only a mentally ill person would consider me an "old man." Who has this much free time to troll, unless they are paid to troll, or just a nutjob?

  28. Anonymous7:32 AM

    "Gramps" is what "anonymous" goes by when cruising the food courts. Old white dude with a do rag.

  29. Anonymous8:19 AM

    8:01am stop talking about your crotch, you not so anonymous pervert

    Your idea that anyone over 18 is old explains why you're obsession with luring kids. Sick.

  30. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Crotchety doesn't mean what you think it means, Anonymous 8:19AM.
    Stop behaving like it does.
