Monday, September 23, 2019

Poke Papa opens at Westfield Montgomery Mall in Bethesda (Photos)

Poke Papa is now open in the Dining Terrace at Westfield Montgomery Mall. The latest arrival in the raw fish poke bowl trend, Poke Papa offers touchscreen ordering to customize your meal. They started in the area with a location on H Street in the District, and it took 13 months to open this location from the original announcement, so people have been waiting a long time for this.


  1. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Looking forward to your YouTube channel review!!

  2. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Nothing quite like a bowl of raw fish, served by teenagers, from an open bin from a case that has been sitting open for four hours. Sounds like either two things to me, chum, or food poisoning. I don’t know how folks can trust the freshness of this stuff. I don’t care how much citrus, miso or cilantro you put on it, it’s still raw fish, served from an open air cafeteria line of questionable freshness and cleanliness.

    Maybe crafted with extreme care by a skilled poke chef, but certainly not here.

    1. Sad little hitter angry person. I’m sure if it didn’t meet health standards it would be shit down. I’d rather be served by teenagers doing something of worth with their lives than a cuss like you.

  3. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Gas station sushi without the gas station.

    Thanks, MoCo Cartel.

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM

    @ 5:49 AM

    You win today's internet. Nothing but truth there.

  5. Anonymous7:41 AM

    5:49, 6:02, and 7:11 AM evidence of the epicurean ignorance rampant in MoCo. As the old saying goes, "no wonder we can't have any nice things". It's you people. Now go back across the food court and stuff another hamberdger in you pie hole. :(

    1. Well said. Pathetic. Some people love on nasty. And your right. Hamberder is their preferred food.

  6. Woodmont8:34 AM

    7:59am WRONG!
    Dyer has the first look at the opened restaurant. We already knew it coming long ago due to Robert's reporting months ago.

    I'm sure the opening will be covered elsewhere...days or a week later :)

    You're welcome.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Why are you talking about yourself in the third person again?

  7. Woodmont9:02 AM

    8:57 AM
    Again, Dyer has the first and only report on the actual opening.
    We've already known it was coming. The wall is down and here is everything on the new restaurant.

    Nice to actually see the place :)

  8. Woodmont9:45 AM

    There's nothing that gets the "Anonymous" troll worked up than a mall food court.

  9. 11:03 AM
    I recommend waiting to report anything until it appears in the "Maryland Newsletter".

  10. 4:14: With thousands of readers, only a mentally ill person like you is shocked that real people are actually commenting here. I know it hurts. Too bad. Punch yourself to save us the energy.

  11. Anonymous10:14 PM

    How drunk was the person that posted the menu up there? The left-most section of the menu is about catering, then the next panel is steps 4,5,6 to create your own poke bowl, and the next panel is steps 1,2,3.

    Now given that people read left-to-right, why did they choose this order? How many people go to a mall food court and expect to see the catering menu posted up on the wall? Idiots...

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.
