Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Lions at Bethesda's Lionsgate condos ready for Christmas

The lions out in front of the Lionsgate luxury condos in downtown Bethesda are clearly ready for Christmas. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to each and every one of my readers. Each time you share these articles on social media or by email, we each become stronger and the corrupt Montgomery County political cartel weakens by an equal amount.


  1. Merry Christmas!

  2. Roald9:41 AM

    Let's be thankful this season for the community Dyer has created online. We all get up everyday and read about a new development, restaurant/retail opening, transport news, etc.

    Happy holidays!

    1. It is called CHRISTmas.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Thank you Robert, for getting all this information out on a daily basis.
    You take (and, it must be said, give) a lot of flak, but much of the local information on this blog-- including detailed reports of zoning and other meetings-- isn't in the Post or anywhere else online.
    Happy Holidays to all!

    1. Roald6:26 AM

      It is called CHRISTmas

  4. Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! And joy to those who celebrate in their own way!

    Even the ones who BAAA at me.

    For today's tiny-family celebration:
    Strawberry bread for present opening
    Dinner of porchetta, roasted potatoes, fresh cranberry sauce w/ apples, salad of Boston lettuce, radish and dates, roasted veggies.

    Find the happy in everything you do.
    Ta for now.

  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Wonder if the drive thru at the McDonald's on River is open today for a snickerdoodle mcflurry?

    1. 1:17pm you're making lame insults on Christmas day to a man you've never met or spoken to.

      You're really winning at life!

    2. Woodmont6:26 PM

      Holy Smokers! The aroma. Who is Elm
