Thursday, December 26, 2019

No more left turns from Westbard Ave. to River Road in Bethesda

Left turns from Westbard Avenue onto River Road in Bethesda have been banned. A sign was installed just before Christmas on Westbard at the intersection that forbids drivers from turning left to the westbound lanes of River Road. Right turns onto eastbound River are still permitted.

Under the 2016 Westbard sector plan, Westbard Avenue is to eventually be sealed off at River Road to all traffic except emergency vehicles. This smaller step addresses what has always been a risky maneuver at this unsignaled intersection with poor sight lines.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I estimate about 100 drivers per day are still making this left turn onto River Rd. Please stop doing this people, it's dangerous and against the law. Police will be out there giving tickets at some point.

  2. This is a safer plan.

  3. Anonymous7:49 AM

    First the Communists came for our left turns, but Dyer didn't speak up.
