Sunday, May 31, 2020

Bethesda Row boarding up for looting

Bethesda Row businesses are beginning to board up their windows in expectation of potential looting. Nearby Friendship Heights in Chevy Chase was hit by looters Sunday. Late Sunday night, about 75 looters smashed windows and took merchandise on the D.C. side of the line in Chevy Chase, including Rodman's, CVS Pharmacy, and the new Tenleytown Target. 

These two Bethesda businesses are now not taking any chances. CityCenterDC, another high-end retail center, and Georgetown were among the other upscale shopping areas already raided by looters in the District. Flyers about protests have already been placed on some of the boards. 


  1. Anonymous7:28 AM

    I think words matter, they set a tone, and the title you put on this article is inappropriately provocative.

    Please consider finding a word better than "looting" when none has actually happened ---> if you actually care and believe in responsible journalism.

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    BTW - I'm very grateful for you getting and posting this information. It's helpful to all. Thank you.

    Would respectfully hope for mindfulness and "mindset" considerations when it comes to the language used in the headlines. Setting a journalistic tone around bethesda looting when actual looting hasn't happened yet.

    Please give this event its best chance to be peaceful.

  3. Anonymous7:29 PM

    They have already staged 3 pallets of bricks at the new school next to Battery Lane Park literally around the corner from the 2D cop shop. You should seriously report this Robert. Alert State Police as MoCo police seem to not give a shit. This has to be the worst delivery timing & placement ever.

  4. 7:28/7:52: There may be a bit of confusion based on the timing - when this story was posted Sunday evening, about 75 looters were coming out Wisconsin Avenue, NW, which is what led stores to begin boarding up. It was unclear at that hour whether police would allow them to advance into Montgomery County.

    A separate protest, that is fully expected to be peaceful, is scheduled for Tuesday at 1:00 PM at the Bethesda Library. Some additional businesses indeed have chosen to board up on Monday in response to that, from what a few of those doing the boarding up said Monday evening, but that is a separate event that was not germane to the events of Sunday afternoon and evening.

    So the Sunday threat of actual looting made that relevant to word choice for the headline at the time the story was posted. I hope this makes sense, but understand your concern. All are hoping and expecting for a peaceful event Tuesday.
