Thursday, December 24, 2020

Montgomery County judge won't end indoor dining ban

Parker Lewis can't lose. And neither can Montgomery County government in a Maryland courtroom, it can often seem. The recent decision by a judge in Anne Arundel County overturning that jurisdiction's ban on indoor and outdoor dining set up an excellent measuring stick for the Montgomery County decision that came last night in Montgomery County Circuit Court.

Judge James Bonifant declined to grant an injunction against Montgomery County's ban on indoor dining. Another hearing on the matter will be held after the Christmas holiday. Similar efforts to overturn bans were also rejected in Baltimore City and Prince George's County on Wednesday. 


  1. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Vote Republican next time.

    Get ready for "Temporarily Closed" to say "Permanently Closed. For Lease". That's right Libs. You own this. You run everything here.

  2. Um, it was a Republican that allowed the virus to spread unchecked. Now his fiscal policies will impoverish millions.

  3. 9:27 AM TRIGGERED! This decision is an apolitical choice based on the impact and overall health of all citizens. But, hey feel free to think that Q theory thought, that YOUR constitutional rights are being violated. This, and other judges, through sound analysis, have concluded otherwise. You are now free to leave the county, and state. Don't forget to take that red cap with you.

  4. Anonymous3:44 PM

    @10:21 AM: Need help carrying those goalposts? Surely you can do better than that.

  5. Anonymous3:49 PM

    @10:40 AM: Apolitical choice.... Oh sure it is. I doubt you've even read the constitution.

    You should be more thoughtful about it before telling people that they are "free" (read "should") leave the county/state. You do know that they take their tax revenues with them when they go.... which means that it's inevitable that you'll wind up paying more because they left. Poetic justice.

  6. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Democrat communists are just like the Venezuans socialists who took over my country
    They closed small businesses toppled statutes

    Soon no private business
    Armed guards arrest people for no reason
    And we had to eat family pets
    Hugomused Dominion and stole electiln
    I cannot believe it is happening in my new country

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Trump developed a vaccine
    When he closed border to China
    China Joe valued him a racist
    If Biden had been President death rate would be 10x higher and we would have no virus

    Vote patriot party
    Not uniparty

  8. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Hey social norm
    The states with no closures no bans are doing fine

    NYC with closures keep getting worse

    Democrats are spreading the virus

    Maybe it’s all those racist BLM marches you libs allowed that spread the virus
