Thursday, December 24, 2020

Purse snatching at Bethesda grocery store

Montgomery County police responded to a report of a purse snatching at a grocery store in downtown Bethesda on Tuesday afternoon. The incident took place at a supermarket in the 7100 block of Arlington Road around 4:58 PM. Giant is the only store fitting that description on that block.


  1. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Vote Republican next time.

  2. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Just one purse? Judging by the number of abandoned purses I see during any given shopping trip its open season on purse stupidity. Until women decide NOT to walk away and roam the aisles of a grocery store, leaving their valuables behind, this "Harry in your pocket" activity with not stop. BTW 8:32 AM your such a trolling LOSER! The election is O-V-E-R. Get over it.

  3. Anonymous3:53 PM

    @10:44 AM: I'm talking about the County election genius. Odds are that the perpetrator is a democrat. Odds are that the victim is a democrat. Odds are that this isn't the first purse this person has stolen and probably has a criminal history. Only republicans like me seem to care about the truth and stopping democrat on democrat crime. Figures.
