Wednesday, December 02, 2020

New virtual community meeting scheduled for 8001 Wisconsin Avenue project

B.F. Saul's large-scale redevelopment proposal for 8001 Wisconsin Avenue will be the subject of another virtual community meeting on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Use the information shown on the sign below to join the online meeting that evening. Their proposal revealed this past February called for 350 residential units atop ground floor retail and underground parking.


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    I still think this would be a big positive for East Bethesda, and create a stepped building mass as a nice buffer from the much taller buildings on the west side of Wisconsin. As I recall, the plan includes a nice Privately Owned Public Space, with a large central fountain, that would be a great asset to the neighborhood, and connect with the proposed greenway. I’m sure somebody is studying the Benihana site as well as the Chase and CVS sites for similar 9 to 7 story tall mixed-use buildings. Being across the street from a 22 story high world headquarters building has certainly elevated their land value.

    I doubt the Acura dealership will see redevelopment in the near future, as like the Honda and Mercedes dealerships, a great deal of infrastructure, service facilities and inventory parking decks would be very expensive to relocate. I think the Jeep, VW and Volvo showrooms, under mixed use buildings, make so much more sense in a urban area. Nice compact showrooms, but remote service and inventory lots. Even the new freestanding Audi dealership is only a showroom with limited inventory on the upper level. Of course the best plan might be to cash in the urban land value, and relocate entirely to cheaper ten acre site on the Pike.

  2. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Would that take out Peter's carryout? Would be a terrible loss

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Lot’s of similar but vacant places nearby that Peter’s could occupy, and maybe move back in when the new building is done.

  4. Anonymous3:50 AM

    This project would be a major loss for the community. Save Peter's!
