Monday, December 07, 2020

Public hearing scheduled on abandonment of Ridgefield Road block between River Rd., Westbard Ave. in Bethesda

The Montgomery County Planning Board signed off on the abandonment of the block of Ridgefield Road between River Road and Westbard Avenue to a private developer last month. That has triggered the expected scheduling of a virtual public hearing on the proposed abandonment of that right-of-way by the County. The online hearing will be held December 15, 2020 at 12:30 PM. 

Westbard Avenue will be realigned with River Road as part of a redevelopment of the Westwood Center II and Citgo properties. However, Montgomery County must first abandon its ownership of the right-of-way for this to happen.

To register for the public hearing, well, the County is not making it easy. You have to either scan the QR code on the sign pictured here with your phone, or call 1-240-777-7255. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:16 AM

    I can't wait for them to re-configure this intersection and close off Westbard at River. Right now fully half the traffic on 5500 block of Westbard is breaking the law. Speeders, of course, but also many trucks over the 10,000 lbs weight limit. Then there are the people who make that illegal left turn from Westbard onto River. It's extremely dangerous but they are in a hurry and can't be bothered to obey the law. If any of them are involved in an accident there (and I have seen a few bad ones) it's automatically their fault.
