Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Marriott HQ construction update (Photos)

Here's a look at the progress on the Marriott International headquarters and hotel project in downtown Bethesda. Delivery of the project is scheduled for Q2 2021. The hotel building will open in early 2022, and Marriott employees will relocate from the existing HQ near Montgomery Mall to the office tower here in Q3 2022.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Tasty Diner should have sold, or allowed itself to be built over by Marriott and incorporated into the building.

    Huge mistake. Huge.

  2. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I used to think that I would eventually downsize and get a condo in downtown Bethesda. Now I pretty much couldn't imagine it.

  3. Maloney Concrete3:11 PM

    The diner's best years are likely behind it.

    You'd think they'd be thriving with all the construction workers swarming the Triangle. Those people are getting hot food from places like 7 Eleven instead.

    Tables are packed for brunch outside, during a pandemic, at Medium Rare. Apparently not much interest from younger residents in getting a traditional breakfast at Tastee Diner.

    The Diner is the past. It was appropriate that they threw their weight behind Doug Duncan in recent years. Both apparently are left in the past.

    As Dyer reported, Woodmont Grill didn't want to sell either. That impacted what the Diner did. Woodmont Grill will do well once Marriott construction is done. All those corporate lunches and expense accounts from folks staying at the new hotel.

  4. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Right and with this ridiculous restaurant shutdown, they'll likely never open again. They'd be fools to do so at this point.

  5. Anonymous8:54 AM

    I have it on good authority that Houston's Woodmont Grill would buy the diner in a heartbeat. They would love that corner for access and sight lines. Tastee still has a buyer if they play their cards right. It's such a good corner spot though that anyone would buy it. They are losing tons and tons of money not being open at all during this oppressive and unfair shutdown.

    1. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Will be even more appealing corner spot if the park is developed across the street.
