Saturday, March 06, 2021

7900 address sign added to future Trader Joe's entrance at 8001 Woodmont

8001 Woodmont
, the new development from JBGSmith is actually located at 7900 Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda. While the branding for the residential housing majority of the building is 8001 Woodmont, it appears the 7900 Wisconsin address will be revived for the Trader Joe's grocery store that will anchor the development. The 7-9-0-0 numerals were applied to the glass above the entrance to the store on Friday.


  1. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Floor plans are now available for viewing on their website, but no pricing yet. Some very large units with some unique floor plans are shown.

  2. What will happen to the current Trader Joe's in Bethesda? One manager told me they are staying and another said there not sure.
